Chapter 10 - History.

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Charlotte returned to school a few days after, unfortunately, 25682 and 68765 weren't in her history class, which sucked because those two were so much better at history than Charlotte. This week they were learning about ancient times, Charlotte was fascinated by ancient times. After class, Charlotte met up with her teacher, it was after the lunch bell rang. The day before Charlotte had ripped out a page from the book that she read when she found out about the ancient civilization. She went up to her teacher, "Mrs. Levine," Charlotte said. Mrs. Levine turned around and saw Charlotte, "Hello, Miss Winslow." Mrs. Levine said, Charlotte took out the ripped page from her bag.

"I have proof that these people still exist and that they're roaming around the world everywhere," Charlotte said firmly, she was sure that Mrs. Levine had some information about it. Mrs. Leaving took a closer look at the ripped page, "I haven't seen them on the historical records." Mrs. Levine said, "Well you know everything about history, don't you? So I'm asking if there's any possible chance that they're in any historical records in human history." Charlotte said. Mrs. Levine didn't believe Charlotte, "I do know a lot about human history, but there aren't any records of them, anywhere." Mrs. Levine said. Charlotte put the ripped page away in her bag. She went out of the classroom and met up with 25682 and 68765.

"She doesn't believe me, I mean I have literal proof that they're real," Charlotte said she was frustrated, "We should go check the library at the university, they have a lot of books about human history." 25682 said Charlotte was unsure if they were allowed to go into the library at the university. "Are we even allowed to leave the campus?" Charlotte asked, "Of course not, but I have two brothers who can help us sneak in." 25682 said, "You have siblings?" Charlotte asked, "Yeah of course! Anyway, my brother should be at lunch right now, he has the privilege to get out, and my other brother is in the university, he's mostly in the library area." 25682 said. 68765 went to get 25682's older brother.

25682 and Charlotte followed 68765 to the cafeteria, 25682 spotted her older brother. 25682's older brother didn't want to help at first, but 25682 kept making bargains until her brother decided to give in. Her older brother got 25682, 68765, and Charlotte out of the campus. They went to the university, and there was a front door to the library, "I'll go inside to chat with "Hyung" meanwhile you guys are inside." 25682 nodded to her older brother, (Hyung means older brother in Korean) 25682, 68765, and Charlotte went inside the library.

Charlotte went to the librarian and asked where the human history section was. The librarian gave them directions, and Charlotte, 25682, and 68765 grabbed every human history book they could get their hands on. They looked for the ancient civilization. Charlotte went to another section and found a book similar to the one she had previously read in the home library back in the country. Charlotte got the book out and looked through the table of contents. Charlotte noticed that the ancient civilization was still nicknamed "Unknown" Charlotte flipped to that chapter of the book.

The contents inside the book were very different from the book that she had picked up from her home library. Charlotte noticed the circles, they all seemed to create some sort of symbol. Charlotte wasn't sure what it was but she had to find out. Charlotte watched if anyone was looking, Charlotte ripped out the page as quietly as she could. Once she ripped it from the book she started to draw the lines that connected to the dots.

Charlotte was shocked, she couldn't believe it. The symbol was the same one that was engraved into her necklace, Charlotte closed the book and went to 25682 and 68765. "Guys! I found it!" Charlotte said excitedly, 25682 and 68765 turned around, "Seriously!" 68765 said he was shocked to learn that Charlotte had found it within the books in the library of the university.

25682 and 68765 approached Charlotte and got a close look at the dots. "It looks just like my necklace," Charlotte said, Charlotte raised the necklace, and the three small arrows were engraved into the necklace. "So, where does the necklace come from?" 68765 asked, "It comes from a long blood lineage of my family, it's passed down to people who will use it for the better or the worst." Charlotte said. 68765 was fascinated by Charlotte's necklace. "That's cool, I guess you inherit a special necklace, even from ages ago." 68765 says. 25682 took a look at the paper that Charlotte had in her hand and then she looked at the necklace. "It must mean something, it might be crucial to our findings." 25682 says. "We better get out of here before we are caught," Charlotte said, 25682 and 68765 nodded. Charlotte folded the paper that she had in her hands and put it in her bag.

Charlotte, 25682, and 68765 got out of the library at the university, they ran as fast as they could before they would get caught by teachers or other students. The trio made it in time, the bell rang a few seconds as they had gotten there.

Charlotte was relieved about the bell ringing, Charlotte went to her next class, saying goodbye to 25682 and 68765.

After school, Charlotte was studying about the ancient civilization, even though there aren't any existing records of them, she was sure that there were still survivors or descendants. As Charlotte looked closer at the page that she stole, there were small hints, it gave her directions on where to go. The necklace started to glow, Charlotte expected the necklace to take energy away from her but it was the opposite. The necklace started to write out a message, "Find them... Find what reunites them as one." Charlotte didn't understand what the message meant.

Charlotte had the proof of the civilization existing, she had the page that she had ripped out of the book, in her bag. Charlotte took out the page and studied it, it was somewhere unknown. Charlotte got out her phone and started to look where the location of the picture might be, Charlotte looked for hours and hours until she finally found it in Kansas.

Charlotte had to find a way to travel to Kansas, Charlotte started to make a plan but she needed a strategic plan and needed to sneak out without her parents knowing, even if it meant worrying her parents and possibly sending a search party.

The civilization and her family might be connected somehow, but the evidence wasn't all clear to her. Charlotte knew that she had to somehow find a way to figure this out and piece it together, but it felt like an easy puzzle piece had turned into a jigsaw puzzle of a million pieces. Charlotte had to dress in one bold color, which would be the color black. Charlotte ripped a piece of loose leaf paper and placed it in front of her, she was going to draw her strategy plan. Charlotte picked up her pencil and started to make different strategy plans.

She started to work out the ones that would be successful, and the ones that weren't going to be successful. Charlotte spent her time designing plans and she didn't even start her homework, Charlotte knew that she was going to get behind but she didn't care. She cared about figuring out something that could turn into a big discovery.

Charlotte ended up sleeping on the couch, she still didn't start her homework from her classes. Hugo arrived late that night and saw Charlotte sleeping on the couch. He notified Christiana, who was still awake, took a blanket downstairs, and placed it on top of Charlotte, covering her from the potential cold.

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