Chapter 18 - Trapped.

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Charlotte lay on the hard mattress, it was uncomfortable, but she took it for granted as she was still recovering from the energy depletion. It had been a week since the energy had been taken from her., Charlotte had been given a book and pencil, and she documented her day-to-day life inside the room that isolated her. Charlotte was given food and water, but she was fed by a woman who looked after her when it was time to drink water or time to eat. Charlotte called it the restraint system since she couldn't do anything. Charlotte read books that were provided in the room, she would hear people above her talking and walking around. Charlotte wished she could go up there and interact with people, but she was stuck, she was under a statue with a metal trapdoor that had a numeric keypad.

The room didn't have ventilation, it was cold and temperatures dropped at night, but during the day it was humid and hot. Charlotte tried opening the door that was in the room but it was locked. Charlotte had lost track of time, and the three clocks still didn't move. Charlotte sighed, she wished she could be back home with her parents, rather than be stuck here for eternity. Three windows were the only thing giving the room very little. When the museum closes for the night she's let out, and she's allowed to explore the surroundings of the museum.

Some people who worked with Primal Industries, mostly scientists. Would barge into the room and go down an elevator, Charlotte didn't know why scientists would barge in and take an elevator down. She wondered what the code must be because the elevator also had a numeric keypad. Right now, it was time for lunchtime, Charlotte was at least grateful that they gave her food and water. Charlotte heard the metal trapdoor open, the museum was closed during the day so Charlotte could be fed. "I brought your lunch." The blonde said her hair was long and braided, she was tall and slim, and wore a gray suit. She had fair skin and blue eyes.

Charlotte didn't have much to say, after all the room was depressing and people barged in like it was their room getting to the breaking point. Sometimes at night, Charlotte would hear people outside her windows, she would often guess that some people were assigned to watch her sleep, in case she had the chance to escape. As well as bright bright lights flickering behind the windows, as usual, she would guess that they were trying to get a look at Charlotte and make sure she was in the room at all times. When the museum closed she was overseen by supervisors, she had every single employee have an eye on her. One time, the door was accidentally opened from the outside world, and Charlotte ran outside. But her freedom was very short-lived. She was dragged away and put into the room again, and since then she has been under more supervision.

Charlotte wasn't allowed to feed herself or drink water by herself. "I hope you've been behaving." The woman said as she got a spoonful of porridge, "I am behaving..." Charlotte said she was already annoyed with the woman. Charlotte was fed porridge every day, Charlotte guessed that it was all they had for her since there was no human interaction with her. Charlotte was currently reading No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai, the book seemed very depressing to say the least. "When am I going to get out of this place?" Charlotte questioned and waited for a response. The woman was quiet, and she was thinking as she fed Charlotte porridge. "I'd probably say that you never will." Charlotte scoffed, "I'll get out of here as soon as I can." The woman laughed slightly and she underestimated her. Charlotte sent 25682 information about her whereabouts, 25682 said that she was going to send someone else to break her out, but it would take a while to find someone.

Charlotte had gained a full reserve of energy, if she didn't notice then the reserves would fill with energy faster. "What have you been doing?" The woman wondered what Charlotte had been doing the entire time that she was in the miserable room. "I've been reading No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai, it's depressing, to be honest with you. I don't know why they filled one section of the bookshelf with sad and depressing books." Charlotte replied, "Maybe to break your mind, this room was specially designed for you. It was designed to break your mind." the woman said Charlotte smiled slightly, that's some valuable information. Maybe it can give me a hint of my escape plan. "I'm bored, can I go outside?" Charlotte asked, she wanted to go outside, she was bored of staying inside the room all the time. "Alright, fine, but don't try to do anything hasty." The woman warned, and Charlotte got up, the woman had forgotten to give Charlotte any water.

"What about my water?" Charlotte asks, the woman glanced back at Charlotte. "Oh right, the water." The woman has a fake smile. She grabbed the cup of water from the tray and helped the cup to Charlotte's mouth. The woman kept an eye on Charlotte's hands, making sure that she didn't grab the cup of water. Charlotte drank the water that was given to her, after she finished drinking the cup of water, both of them went outside of the room. The woman had to call for supervisors, to ensure Charlotte didn't escape from the museum and go out into public. Charlotte liked to bother the employees at the front desk of the museum. "Hey!" Charlotte shouted in a happy tone, she grinned at the man who was at the front desk. "What is it now?" He asked and he looked up from his phone. "I was wondering if I could borrow a brochure," Charlotte said. The man put down his phone and looked directly at Charlotte, and replied with a no. "Why not? I'm at least asking nicely!" Charlotte fumed and got irritated with the employee. The lady at the front desk gave Charlotte the brochure without saying anything. "Thank you!" Charlotte said happily, she walked off holding onto the brochure.

2 weeks in.

Employees were annoyed with Charlotte, Charlotte loved to annoy them and loved to see their expressions. Charlotte loved to annoy the supervisors, she also liked to see their reactions. It's the only thing that allowed her to have fun, and once she would be let back in the room all the happiness would drain instantly as she remembered that she would have to be in the miserable room. "I've gotta get out of here and gather energy," Charlotte muttered as she desperately wanted to escape and get out of New York. I'll never go here again, like until the day I perish. Maybe, that isn't a promise to me. Charlotte had a lot of spare time to get things done, like reading, writing, and trying to repair a drone that they provided her repair. Charlotte started to read through the brochure and started to underline things that weren't true with a pencil. Charlotte looked at the three windows that were reaching the ceiling. She wondered what the outside looked like, but Primal Industries restricted Charlotte from seeing the outside and Charlotte craved to see the outside and have some human interaction for once.

Charlotte meditated a few times a day to keep in contact with Eleanor., but Charlotte knew that Eleanor was just a ghost, she was dead, and she didn't have the real human touch that Charlotte needed. Charlotte sometimes cried because she wanted to be let out. Charlotte cried to Eleanor, and Eleanor's heart ached to see Charlotte cry. It broke her heart, but she couldn't do anything to help her out. "I'm so sorry, I wish I could help," Eleanor said softly as she was trying to console Charlotte. "I just want to go home!" Charlotte cried tears couldn't stop flowing out of her eyes. Charlotte hasn't felt so down in her life, she sometimes felt like giving up. "I give up! I just don't... Want to be... In this situation." Charlotte said she trailed off in a few parts. "Child, you can't just simply give up. I know that you don't want to be in this situation, but you have to pull through." Eleanor said she tried to encourage Charlotte to not give up.

Nevertheless, Charlotte was still gathering up energy to be able to restore every single energy reserve. The necklace didn't react, and Charlotte didn't bother to touch the necklace. She had the fear that it would take all the gathered energy away from her, but she took it off and it didn't react, and it didn't extract any energy. The necklace eventually gave back the energy to Charlotte, it had stored the energy and filled the reserves. Extra energy was stored in the necklace again for later use.

Throughout her stay in the room, she was questioning her friendship with Lavinia. Charlotte hasn't seen Lavinia since, and she wondered if Lavinia hated her in some way, it was fine if Lavinia hated her. She didn't care anyways if anyone hated her,

At least she got to know Lavinia.

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