he loves me back

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An: this might be the last chapter, I have no more ideas for this and I wanted to finish this before I start my next fan fic. I might make a sequel in the future of this but I'm not sure.

Warning- cringe

Mark's pov:
Time skip~
The next day at Mark's house

Holy fucking shit he likes me back! I'm so happy! I want to be with him forever. I need to ask if he wants to be my boyfriend first. That kiss was amazing, I can still feel his lips on mine.

As I get up from bed I walk over to the bathroom so I can take a shower. But before I could reach the bathroom I was greeted by Chica, who was super excited to see me. Henry was still sleeping so I told chica to be quiet so she wouldn't wake her brother up

Mark- *whispering* " shhhhh Chica, be quiet your going to wake up Henry."

Chica- " bark bark bark!"

Mark- " shhhhhh please Chica, I get your happy to see me but other people and Henry are sleeping."

Chica- *wines*

Mark- " it's ok chica, your a good girl just loud."

Chica- *wags tail but is quite*

Chica is such a good girl. She is my baby, so is Henry but to be honest I like Chica more. She's just more energetic then Henry. Reminds me of why I love Ethan so much, he's so energetic and sweet. I love him so much. I should take a shower now. I walk away from chica and head to the bathroom so I can take a shower. I made sure to text Ethan that I was taking one so he'd know where I was. I didn't get a notification back so I'm guessing that he's not awake yet. Man he's so cute, I can just picture him sleeping.... Man that sounds weird in my head. I guess I'm obsessed, who wouldn't he's amazing. And he's so kind and sweet and funny. He's so funny, sometimes I give him shit about it but it was to show that I was head over heals for him. I also didn't want any human contact with him because I was afraid I'd never want to let go or become a tomato from how red I'd be from blushing. I know I still blushes even though I tried my best to hide it, it didn't work. I am so happy that he likes me back. I should definitely tell him that I want to be his boyfriend, I need to.

Time skip~

When I was done with my shower and got dressed I went to the living room. To my surprise Ethan was sitting on the couch and watching TV.

Mark- "good morning Ethan, how'd you sleep?"

Ethan- " not so good, I didn't have anything to cuddle with" *giggles*

Mark- *blushes* " ha ha ha very funny, you could have asked if you wanted to sleep with me." *Winks*

Ethan- " yeah, yeah I know. Sooooo about last night."

Mark- " mhm, what about it?"

Ethan- " so we dating now?" *Gives Mark a seductive smirk*

Mark- * blushes heavily* " uh, yeah. How did you know that's what I wanted to ask?"

Ethan- " just a hunch I guess" *laughs*

Mark- *laughs*

I walk over to the couch and I sit down next to Ethan. I put my hand on his lap and I just look into his eyes. His eyes are so amazing, and now I can look at them without it being weird. His eyes change colors, either they're gray, light blue or green. I love all of them, they all are so pretty. His eyes are gray today, my favorite, gray complements him a lot. Like it fits him the most. Matches his face his hair and his outfits. I generally just really like it. He noticed that I was staring into his eyes and he giggled.

Ethan- " I see you like my eyes."

I nod. Now looking at his whole face.

Mark- "your so pretty..."

Ethan- *blushes in shock* " w-well th-thank yo-you."

I lean into a him to kiss him and we have a long kiss. Yet again he was in shock at first but then he kissed me back. When I pull away I don't pull away for long it was just to get some air. Ethan catches on and we start making out. We slowly go down on the couch to the point we are laying on each other. We stop making out and we both breathe heavily. We don't say anything for a few minutes. We just was enjoying the moment. We both started to cuddle.

Ethan- "you are the best boyfriend ever"

He called me his boyfriend!

Mark- *shocked* " well your the best boyfriend in the world." *Chuckles*

Ethan- *laughs* " your so cute" *he says with one of the biggest smiles*

He thinks I'm cute and he called me his boyfriend, this is the best day ever. I love this man so much, I don't want this to end ever.

We both fell asleep on the couch in each other's arms.


The end~

An: it's finally over! Omg that took forever to finish. I still loved writing it but it took too much energy to think of ideas for something that I don't really follow anymore. Sure I love this ship, I mean it's the first ship I joined. But I started liking new ships. I started to not watch as much Markiplier or Ethan Nestor (crankgameplays) videos as much anymore. I still watch them but I found a new YouTube channel I like more which is Smosh, Smosh pit and Smosh games. I like so many ships from that fandom, hints to the next fan fic, it's going to be a  shaymien fan fic. I will have more ideas for it and it will probably be longer. And way more fan fics of that ship and other ships I like from Smosh.

I hope all of y'all like this, thank you for reading it, and thank you for the support. And there might be a sequel to this in the future.

Have a good day or night, wherever you are and be safe and don't get into trouble. Have a fantastic life! And see you next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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