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"You won't." 

Determined, I threw a paper at the boy sitting before me. My friend, Kaede, snickered, as did I. He didn't respond or make any reaction. Kaede suddenly burst out laughing, that's when he finally turned around. His purple eyes darted directly at Kaede, as she made eye contact with him. She went quiet, face flushing with red. My face flushed with red too, not just because of the embarrassment; He was cute. "Sorry.." I muttered.

The purple-haired boy scoffed and turned back around. I and Kaede looked at each other awkwardly.  Kaede then changed the subject, "Uhh... So about that date, we had planned.."

"Date?!" I shouted, covering my mouth in surprise. My face shifted to a deep red. Kaede then started giggling again,

"I meant the date.. You know, July 20th.." She cackled. Her laugh was super cute, and I can't help but admit she was attractive too. I hunched over in my chair in utter embarrassment, feeling my heart drop. God.. I am such. an. idiot!! "You good there?" I could hear the sweet smile on her face.

"Yea.. Sorry.. But yeah! About the 'date'.. I was thinking maybe I should invite another friend." I coughed out. Still staring at the ground below him.

"Oh really, Who?" Kaede smiled in anticipation, eager to know.

"I'm not certain.. I'll choose by next week." I put my hand over my mouth once more, staring back at the boy in front of me. He still didn't seem bothered whatsoever. It intrigued me a little bit.

I continued the day as I usually do, Hanging out with my friends. I knew he was still lingering in the back of my head though. As I was walking home that day, I noticed someone walking the same way as me. It was him! This had to have been fate, I ran over to him, putting a smile on my face. "Ah- hey! Sorry about earlier, I'm Shuichi Saihara!" I put out a hand to shake and grinned.

The boy's mouth opened a slight bit, I noticed a different look in his eyes this time, a brighter essence. before, when he looked back at Kaede and I, they had been a dull purple. now they glistened. He instantly lit up with a smile, "I'm Kokichi Ouma!" He shook my hand with passion, "Your name kind of sounds like.. Shumai!!" He laughed.  I laughed in response,

"haha! That's a new one." I grinned. "So.. Is this how you get home?"

Kokichi nodded in response, along with a hum. That is when I really took a look at him. he looked really good in our uniform, straight black with some golden buttons. We walked in silence until we reached my house.

"Welp. this is my stop!" I said suddenly, he jumped a little.

"Can I have your number?" He tilts his head. Isn't that a bit sudden?!

"I-.. Uhm sure.." I then proceeded to tell him my number as he typed it into his phone, shooting me a ':P hi!'

"I live really close to you.. Like 10 houses!" His eyes lit up.

"Wow.. I don't know how I didn't notice you before, Ouma." I looked down at him.

"Well.. I'll quit bothering you now! See you tomorrow!" He smiled and continued walking. He was super. Cute. Like extremely. I can't believe he asked for my number. I texted him back immediately.

Shuichi: Hi! :)

Kokichi: haiii ^^

Shuichi: Did you make it home safely?

Kokichi: oh come on I'm not a baby lol

Shuichi: I know that!

My face was a little bit red, I could feel it as I covered my mouth, waiting for him to type.

He wasn't replying which ticked me off a little. I then sat up and decided to evaluate myself.. I just met this boy today, so why am I already obsessed? "There's something different about him.", I told myself to forget about my pondering thoughts.

The next day i woke up to a few messages from Kokichi.

Kokichi: soz i had to do something

Kokichi: shuuuuuuumai??

Kokichi: Morning!

Wow.. he really wanted to talk to me huh..?  I let a smile spread across my face as I typed back.

Shuichi: Morning to you too! see you at school.

I waited at the gate as I saw Kokichi walk in, he looked a little bit out of it, then suddenly smiled. "Hi, Shuichi!' He grinned.

I felt a bit of sweat roll down my face.. Was I concerned? Maybe a little. "Hi! How was your sleep?" I smiled softly.

"It was alright" He shrugged. i couldn't tell just what he was.. He gave me loner vibes but also he was super nice and playful.. I don't know...

We said our goodbyes and departed ways, going to different classes.

I looked up from my desk to see the teacher yapping about something, I couldn't really hear him, nor care enough to try. The girl next to me, Maki, nudged my arm "hey!" she whispered. I snapped up instantly, realizing the teacher was saying my name. "pay attention." the teacher scoffed. to which I rolled my eyes back.. like I care.

The bell rang and I sped out of class, embarrassed of being called out. I was scrolling through my phone while walking down the stairs when suddenly I crashed into a smaller boy who had been walking up the stairs.

bang! "Wha! Kokichi!! I'm so sorry." I said whilst, on top of him, I instantly rolled over onto the floor.

I helped him up off of the ground, "it's alright! I wasn't watching where I was going either!" He grinned.

I sped to my next class, knowing I was probably going to be late. "Hi Shuichi!" Kaede waved, she then noticed my very red face. "What happened..?" She smirked.

"N-nothing... i just ran into someone is all." I covered my mouth, looking away from her. She tilt her head so she was in my line of vision,

"And who...?" She asked.

"That boy we threw a paper at yesterday.." I sucked it up, "I actually talked with him a little yesterday and got to know him.. he's actually super kind." I shuddered.

Kaede smiled, "Finally coming out of that shell of yours, eh?" to which I nodded.

"I suppose so" I giggled.

Kaede was right.. I guess I am a little more outgoing then I was before, she's made me like this I guess. I thanked her and then we head to lunch.

Days with Kokichi | SaioumaWhere stories live. Discover now