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"Hi!" I waved to Rantaro and his friend, Gonta, as they walked in.

"Heyyy." He smiled, sitting at the kitchen counter. "Woah! Where did ya get alcohol, Shu? I didn't know you were cool like that." He put a hand on his cheek. I blushed at the fact I was being called cool.

"I- I uh.. Got it from a convenience store! I used my dad's ID." I admit.

"Your dad won't get mad?" Rantaro asked.

I laughed a little, "Nope!" How could he.

Soon enough everyone had arrived, but before that, Maki came. "Hi Maki-" I gasped, "Kaito?!" My eyes widened. I felt anger rise in me.

"Saihara! I want to apologize to Kokichi. I'm sorry." I wanted to yell at Kaito, but I held back and took a deep breath.

"Okay.. Fine." I sighed and let him in, I felt like I would definitely regret that decision.

I watched as everyone had a good time, I was hanging out with Kokichi at the countertop with Kaede too. We were just chatting. "And then she had this flustered look on her face!! Miu cracks me up!" Kaede laughed. Kokichi then grabbed a beer, trying to open it.

"Need help?" Kaito appeared infront of us all. Kaede's mouth widened, so did Ouma's.

"Wh- What are you doing here?!-" Kaede began.

"I'm here to make things right. Look, Kokichi.. I'm sorry I was so awful to you. Can we start over?" Kaito handed him the opened beer, along with one of Kokichi's favorite drinks, Grape Fanta. Kokichi looked a little relieved, he accepted both drinks.

"It's alright.. Yeah we can!" Kokichi smiled a little. Kaede still looked skeptical, As was I.

Kaito then shook his hand and ran over to Maki. Kokichi took a sip of the Fanta that Kaito gave him. Basically chugging it, "Eugh-" He lolled his tongue out, "How old is this shit?!" He said. He pondered for a second, "Oh well. Fanta is fanta!" He drank it all. It kind of disgusted me, But was pretty impressive.

"You shouldn't drink things that taste gross." Kaede rolled her eyes. Kokichi laughed in response,

"Never!!" He put his hands in the air. He then begun drinking the beer. I watched in slight horror.

"That's all you can have tonight." I regulated.

"You aren't my mom!" He already looked a little dizzy- Does it kick in that fast? I rolled my eyes.

"Yes.. But be careful." I said with concern in my voice.

"Sure thing!" He said sarcastically. Kaede crossed her arms,

"I can't believe Maki still brought Kaito. Are they in love or something?" Her blonde hair glistened under the light.

"Well I accept his apology! He must have changed!" Kokichi smiled. Isn't that a little gullible? I tilt my head. He forgave him so easily..

"I guess so..." I put a finger on my chin.

Later in the party, I was chilling alone on the couch. Rantaro looked high.. He was sitting to my left. I couldn't find Kokichi anywhere, so I decided to sit down and take a break. It was really loud in my house, I was getting slightly overwhelmed with all the music and talking. And the fact that Kokichi went missing. Where could he have gone...?

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