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I yawned, stretching my arms out. I got up, brushed my teeth. Usually the only thing on my mind would be.. hmm.. what should I do today? But it wasn't, I was thinking when the next time I'd see Kokichi would be. I instantly pulled out my phone.

Shuichi: You wanna hang out today? We don't have school.

No response... Maybe he was still asleep.? An idea then popped into my head. Okay then.. I made a lovely little breakfast, pancakes, rice, whatever you could want. I had it all on a platter.

Knock knock knock

"Goodmorning, Miss Ouma!" I put a wide grin on. She covered her mouth in response, Laughing a little.

"Oh.. How sweet! Yes yes, Come on in!" She politely invited me inside. Once I walked in I noticed the house was actually smaller than mine. It was moderately clean. "Sorry for the mess. Ouma didn't tell me you were coming! Let me go wake him." She smiled.

Little does she know... Hehehe.. I put down the platter and walked around a little, Awww.. They had family photos!! His dad was scribbled out of any he was in, wonder what happened. I took pictures of baby photos of him, I'll send those later. He looked so tiny awww!! I then sat down and waited for them to come. His mom came down, grimacing slightly, "He will be down soon.."  She said, I nodded excitedly.

"So how is Ouma recently." I asked, curious. His mom sighed,

"Awfully moody, he barely talks to me. He sits in his room all day." She added, Well maybe thats because- "I try my hardest to support him in everything he does, but he pushes me away.. Ever since his Dad left, he's been like this." She put a hand over her forehead, "And then I got a new boyfriend and Kokichi HATED him. I never knew why though."

She sighed once more and smiled, "But maybe it's just something he's going to get over?"

I felt so curious as to what happened with his dad, even his stepdad. "If you don't mind, What happened with your husband?"

"Ah.. It's a long story, but just know his own family was scared of him, especially 12 year old Kokichi-" His mom turned around to see Kokichi, yawning. "Goodmorning, sweetie." She smiled warmly. Kokichi looked at her with tired eyes, he looked a little mad too.

"Morning.." He groggily walked over to the chair next to me, he rested his face in his hands. "You made all of this?" He asked his mom.

She shook her head no, then pointed to me, "He did!"

Kokichi then turned to me, I swear I saw his heart fall out of his chest. He jumped, "Ah!! Shuichi?! What are you doing here?!" He squeaked, I began laughing at his antics. He looked so cute-

"Goodmorning~" I smiled, dragging out my words. Kokichi blushed a small bit, then looked away.

"Mom- I didn't invite him." He admit.

His mom put a hand on her cheek, "Oh really? So you just decided to stop by with breakfast?" She smiled, "How sweet!"

"Yes very sweet.." He groaned, "Well him and I are going out, so I'll see you later." He then grabbed my arm and dragged me out, I winced a little.

"Bye!! Thank you for stopping by." His mom yelled as we walked out.

Once we got out of the house he instantly broke character, "What are you doing here?!" He whisper yelled.

"I brought you guys food!" I smiled innocently.

"Why..." He exhaled.

"Well you weren't answering your phone, Which meant you were asleep.. So I brought a surprise for you and your mom!" I waved my hands around, doing jazz hands almost.

Kokichi did not look satisfied, "My mom doesn't like you...." Kokichi dragged out his last word, groaning.

My heart skipped a beat, "Wait- What? Why?!" I panicked, grabbing his hands. "D-Did I do something?!"

"No.. She's just a bitch." He rolled his eyes. He grabbed my hand and we began walking to my house.

I took that for an answer and shut up, I was curious about why he hated her so much, and why he had been ignoring her too. All he does is sit in his room? I wonder what that's about...
I let my thoughts trail until we got to my house, we walked in. "I'd much rather eat breakfast here." He suggest.

"Ah- Oh! Do you want me to make you more food!? I can!!" I nodded rapidly, running to the kitchen, I didn't even give him time to answer.

He walked into the kitchen shortly after I did, taking a seat at the table top. "Uhm.. S-So how was my mom...?" He stammered, bringing her up again. He must have been concerned.

"She was great! Super nice." I smiled, I don't think she really hates me.. I mean come on.

Kokichi looked a little bit sad. "What's wrong?" I put down what I saw doing and stood across from him, "Is it your mom?" I asked.

"Wha? No no.. I don't know, I just feel a little down.." He put a hand on his cheek. Maybe he was tired too? I'm not sure why he's upset.

"Is there anything I can do?!" I questioned.

"Just be here, I guess.." He gave me a small smirk. I instantly turned red. He was really cute when he smiled...

"Then that's exactly what I'll do! I promise."
I continued cooking breakfast for him and I. He seemed to love what I made him, but I think he loves anything I give him. I felt so happy.. Happier than ever. He was so different, so unlike anyone else- and he loved me back!!!

I gave him a random hug while he was eating, "H-Hey!" He started laughing, "What are ya doing?" He giggled, trying to slither away.

I gave him puppy-dog eyes and frowned, "Hugging you.." I whimpered.

He began blushing wildly, "Mmmh... I guess I can allow it." He put on a facade. I continued to hug him while he ate, he was so tiny and easily huggable. I bet I could carry him around with one arm.. May have to test that theory out later..

For the rest of the day we spent it at my house. Doing all sorts of shenanigans and watching shows. Later in the day was when he got sad again, again is was for no reason. But I was still able to help nonetheless. Right when he was about to leave for home, I grabbed him.

"Ah!!!! What are you doing?! Put me down!!" He squealed, ravaging in my arms.

"I caught the wild tanuki!! It's a feisty one!!" I joked around, laughing as he struggled.

"Nooooooo!!! I've been detained!" He whined playfully. We were both laughing as I finally let him go.

"The raccoon-dog has been freed." I sighed sadly, continuing the joke. He snorted in a laugh.

"Okay... Bye now Shumai!!! I love you!" This time, I got to his face to give him a kiss before he got to mine. He blushed wildly, smiling instantly.

"I love you more!" I grinned. We waved goodbye and he left my house.

I turned around to look at my living room.. That darn Tanuki destroyed it.


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