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It was hot today, in the arcade too. All I could do was wear a hoodie though. Putting it on made me reminisce how Kokichi still hasn't given mine back. It actually makes me more happy than anything. He was texting me this morning, how he was excited to go.

Kokichi: u like? :p

He then sent a picture of himself in T-shirt, jeans, and My sweater. I covered my mouth and threw my head back, my whole body following as I crashed into my bed. I squealed just a bit, He was SO CUTE. I saved the photo almost instantaneously. My face was already a nice shade of pink, I couldn't wait any longer.

When Kokichi arrived at the arcade, he noticed Maki and I were already there. I waved to him, "Hi, Kichi!! You look nice!"

"Uh- Thanks!!" He smiled, blush spreading throughout his face. He looked really nice.. I then saw Maki wave to somebody, It was Kaito. I never really talked to him, but he seemed cool!

"Hey guys! I'm Kaito! I'm the year above you guys, actually! That's probably why we don't have any classes!" He snorted, "You're Saihara?" He held a hand out to me. I took it begrudgingly, shaking it with a smile.

"Yup!" I yapped, He then turned to Ouma.

"Aww! Ouma!! I know you! Whats up?" He gave Kokichi a half hug. I watched as Kokichi's facial expression twisted from a slight grimace to a full look of discomfort.

"Hi.. Kaito." He spoke in an un-wanting tone. He stepped back a little bit, "I- Uh.. Have to go to the restroom.. Sorry." He then proceeded to slither off, swiftly making his way to the bathroom. I wonder what that's about? I tried to not think about it but secretly, I was worried. Is it Kaito?

"How do you know Kokichi?" I asked curiously.

"Oh! I met him last year, we were pretty close friends, but our friend group got kinda nasty.. So we drifted." Kaito said sadly.

"Oh.. I'm sorry to hear that.." I stood stiffly.

A few minutes passed, I was so anxious.

"Are you ready to play, Ouma?" Maki asked somebody, I turned around to see Kokichi was back. I saw him nodding with a smile. He then turned to me, I forgot how cute he was.

"Kokichi! Are you feeling alright?" I asked silently. He nodded once more,

"Sure am! I'm ready to play some games!!" He grinned.

We played a few arcade games, like basketball, skiball, and the crane machines. Which I was extremely good at for some reason. I got many prizes, which I ended up giving to Kokichi anyway. Throughout the whole time I noticed Ouma was starting to get a little more comfortable around Kaito, Which was good.

"Ohhh.. This one is a game that requires two teams of two." Maki stated.

"Oh oh! I wanna be on Shuichi's team!!" Kaito waved his hands.

"Hey! Shouldn't you be with Maki though?! She invited you." Kokichi protest in response, I've never seen him get defensive so quickly.

"He-Hey.. I don't care who's on my team guys.." I smiled nervously.

"Well I want to see if you'd fit the sidekick role well!" Kaito crossed his arms.

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