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I stood up against my locker, looking down at my phone. I kept looking up to see if Kokichi was here.. My eyes lit up as I saw him walk through, this morning he didn't go to his locker. His face looked bruise, I noticed from so far away. My heart pumped fast, my eyes felt heavy. I put my phone away, hissing at the pain as my sleeve rubbed against my scabs. "Ow.." I whispered.

"Shuichi!!" Kaede jumped from behind me. I sprung around, clenching my heart. "Haha! Did I scare ya?" She smiled.

"Y-Yea.." I covered my mouth.

"Is something wrong? I noticed you weren't here yesterday." She pout, implying she was sad I wasn't there.

"I didn't feel good, I went home." I lied. What's wrong with me.

"Well Ouma wasn't here either, was he sick too?" She grinned, raising her eyebrows. Her pink eyes always saw right through me.

I sighed, "I.. I don't know." I stuttered, I kept lying.

"Hey! What's wrong?" She grabbed my wrist, "Come on! Let's head to cla-" I suddenly yanked my arm back, wincing in pain.

"S-Sorry.." I rubbed my arm, "I have a bruise there." All I could say was lies. I didn't want her to know what happened between Kichi and I.. I was so embarrassed. I was so awful to him- He must hate me.. He has to hate me! He didn't come to his locker like usual! He probably beat himself up over m-

"Shuichi?" Kaede put her hand on my upper arm, tilting her head in worry. "Hey- It's okay.. What's wrong?" She asked quietly.

Tears pricked the corner of my eyes, I cover my eyes with my arm, wiping my tears. "I- .. I just fucked up so bad, Kaede!" I began crying.

Kaede pulled my arm down, holding both of my hands. She nodded as she listened to me cry, she was so nice. "I made him cry- I don't know what to do I-"

"Shuichi it isn't your fault though.. You shouldn't blame yourself." Kaede then hugged me. I cried in her shoulder.

Suddenly the bell rung, Kaede gave me a smile and a few words of courage before she headed off to her class. A wave of guilt hit me after I realized what I had just done. I spread Kokichi and I's business, I made it all about me- I put this stress of Kaede!

I wiped my tears and walked to my class. I kept constantly checking my phone, it was all I could think about. I couldn't focus on any of my classes, I felt like I was going crazy. He just confuses me so much!

Eventually lunch rolled around, I couldn't find Kokichi anywhere.. I made my way to my usual table. Everything was normal until Kiibo brought up my absence yesterday. "I-I was sick." I explained.

"I don't know. You've been more distant lately." Maki looked me up and down.

"Yea.. We miss you dude!" Rantaro jumped into the conversation.

"I-I'm sorry guys.." I looked down. My situation just kept getting worse and worse. I looked down at my knees, my hands in balls on them. I was sweating. I felt like crying. I got up from my chair, "I'll... I'll be right back." I push my chair in and ran off. Making my way to the bathroom. I looked myself up and down in the mirror. Twiddling with my hair. I then uncovered my arm, my heart dropped. It looked awful- Like someone had took a machete to it. My head began to spin in circles, my vision getting blurry. I didn't get enough sleep.. Everything hurt. I was so tired. My breathing got heavy once more, I felt myself begin to panic.

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