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I stood up against my locker and scrolled through my phone. I looked up to see a boy with purple hair walking up to me. "Kokichi! Are you alright?" I asked.

He nodded, "Y-yeah.. I'm good..." He mumbled. He looked paler than usual, his gaze made him look like he was completely out of it.

"Uhm.. Are- Are you sure?" I questioned. He looked up at me with dull eyes, nodding once more. "Kokichi- If you are feeling down you can tell me, I won't judge you-." I reassured him.

"I'm just sleepy... Don't worry about it, dude." He looked away from me and began walking off to his class.

"I uh- Bye!! See you at.. Lunch." I tried to say my goodbyes but he was already too far. There is definitely something up with him. I walked to my homeroom, still thinking about Kokichi. Honestly, I was kind of hurt by the fact he called me dude.. It feels too friendly. But isn't that what I want? Do I want more?! I don't even know..! I scrolled through Instagram, then decided to look up Kokichi's name- Oh shoot he actually has one! I clicked on his account, scrolling through his photos. I covered my mouth as I stared at them, he was so..... Cute!!! I was a blushing mess in the middle of class. Okay.. Maybe there's something wrong with me. Why am I so obsessed with him? i keep asking myself this question!

Lunch rolled around and I caught Kokichi in the hallway, "Ouma!" I shout to him. He turned around as I grabbed his hand. His eyebrows furrowed and his face went red. I instantly took my hand back, "S-Sorry!.." I whimpered. I scratched my head, "D-Do you want to sit with my friends and I?" I twiddled with my fingers as I waited for a response.

He looked me up and down judgingly, "Sure." he shrugged.

I smiled, "Great! Let's go!" I began walking to my table, I shuddered excitedly, happy to introduce him to my friends. Hopefully, they don't hate him!

"Saihara!!" Kaede waved me down from across the room. I blushed in embarrassment. I looked at Kokichi to see him sneering... What's that about? I walked over to her with Kokichi, "Oh!! it's that boy from the other day!" She gasped.

"Yea, the one you guys threw paper at..." He rolled his eyes.

Kaede apologized, "I'm super sorry! Im Kaede Akamatsu! I hope we can be good friends." She reached out her hand.

"I'm Kokichi Ouma. It's whatever." He shook her hand.

"This is Ouma! He's a new friend of mine." I smiled, friend...

"Hey what's up, Im Rantaro Amami." Rantaro put up a peace sign.

"I'm Kiibo!" The white-haired boy grinned.

"My name's Maki Harukawa." Maki stated coldly. She's always like that I guess...

Everyone was talking normally when I noticed Kokichi didn't have lunch, "here you go!" I gave him my whole bento box, smiling.

"What?! I'm not going to take your whole bento box, Saihara.." He pouted, raising an eyebrow at me.

"But you don't have lunch!" I frowned sadly. He gave in and took it, eating some of it.

"I didn't have time to make any this morning, thank you though." He said as he shoved rice into his mouth. I watched as he ate it quietly. It seems things are going well!

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