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To say the least, WonWoo did not sleep for the entire night. He was up, thinking about who this Kim Raven person was. Could the person be AiXun's friend? AiXun's girlfriend? AiXun's boyfriend? AiXun's lover? AiXun's sister? Just, who is Kim Raven? It left WonWoo in wonder the entire night.

The morning came, WonWoo dragged himself out of bed, regretting every decision he made to stay up and think about who Kim Raven was. In all honesty, he knew he didn't have the right to even think about AiXun. Even though to WonWoo, AiXun is his first love but, to AiXun, WonWoo was no one but the guy who spilled coffee on him, scalding his damn skins. Simply saying, WonWoo is having a bad day and it's just the second day back to school.

"OMG! Did you hear? AiXun just joined in the basketball team!"

"No, that's impossible. I think he joined the music club."

"Wrong. AiXun Oppa joined the swimming team."

"Omg, stop it you guys. Stop making guesses of what club Oppa is in. You guys have to hear this." The girl pulled all the others to the side, "Yesterday, someone took a picture of AiXun Oppa with someone on his lap, dancing."

WonWoo spatted all the coffee that he had just sipped a second ago.

"Ewwww, WonWoo, you're disgusting." His classmate grimaced, handing over a couple of wet tissues.

"I am so sorry. The coffee was too hot." WonWoo lied. He quickly excused himself to the washroom. "Ahh, Jeon WonWoo what the hell is wrong with you? AiXun isn't anyone to you, why are you so bothered?" He whispered to himself, cleaning the droplets of coffee that had stained his hand.

"Hey Hey Hey!"

His eyes widened upon hearing the voice. He quickly ran to a stall, locking himself inside of it.

"You stupid Jeon WonWoo. Why are you hiding? You didn't even do anything wrong?"

"Yesterday was awesome Ai! You and Raven were so wonderful." Zen said.

"Well, I have to admit, yesterday was a lot more better than I thought it would be. I swear, she made me moan so loudly."

"What?!" WonWoo quickly covers his mouth. Why did he just yell?

"Who's here?" Zen asked. "Come out now before I kick the door open."

"Why would you want to kick the door open? That's damaging of property." AiXun chuckled.

"Well, we do know someone is in here and you technically just exposed yourself saying you 'moan so loudly'." Zen quoted.

AiXun laughs, "it's fine. For what I care, as long as they don't know who Raven is. Come on, let's go."

WonWoo heard the two of them walking out the washroom. His heart pounded hard and he knew that his face was burning red. WonWoo wished he didn't hear anything at all.

It was that afternoon when school ended, WonWoo rushed to SVT Cafe, texting MinGyu to meet him there. JeongHan and Ren, as usually greeted him and made him his favourite cup of coffee.

"WonWoo, you look like you've seen a ghost. Are you okay? You haven't been here since that incident." JeongHan said, serving him the coffee and a piece of cheesecake.

"Hyung, I need to talk to you about something and I need your opinion. Are the rest coming over?"

JeongHan looked around the cafe, making sure that there was no other pending customers to attend to before sitting with WonWoo, "SeungCheol will be back in half an hour. Joshua has a conference to attend. Jun and The8 just left for their tour. Hoshi and Woozi said they'll be practicing on a new song, DK will be here in about an hour with the rest of the kids and MinGyu, I think he texted me that you told him to come over."

"Oh, sorry I'm late. The bus is a bitch today." MinGyu came rushing over to them.

"Speak of the devil." JeongHan chuckled.

WonWoo let out a breath, "ok so, you know how I only told the both of you and SeungCheol about my 'first love'?"

"The airport guy." MinGyu nodded.

"I kind of met him again and it happened that airport guy is Kim AiXun."

"KIM AIXUN?!" The both of them yelled.

WonWoo closed his face in embarrassment, "quiet down will you."

"Are you serious Hyung?" MinGyu asked.

"The Kim AiXun that you spilled coffee last Sunday for the second time on him now?" JeongHan technically concluded everything.

WonWoo groaned, "Yes, that Kim AiXun. The worse part is that I overheard him said and I quote 'moan so loudly'."

"Oh, ouch. Do you know he's with who now?" JeongHan asked.

"I don't know, someone named Kim Raven."

"Kim? The same surname? Are they married?" MinGyu gasped.

JeongHan rolled his eyes, lightly nudging his elbow into MinGyu's side, "are you trying to say that the same surname could mean they're married to each other? So, I can say that you're also married to Kim AiXun right? Mr Kim MinGyu."

"Oh yeah, forget what I said." MinGyu laughed.

"I mean, don't think of it too much WonWoo. We cant be sure that AiXun is in a relationship with someone until we hear him say it out loud. Besides, AiXun's kind of famous for rejecting people."

"But Hyung," WonWoo whined, " I cannot get him off my mind and my heart almost jumped out of my body when I was almost caught eavesdropping on him in the washroom just now."

"You're in love Hyung, deeply in love with someone who does not even acknowledge about your existence." MinGyu said.
Ouch, that was one brutal truth.

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