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Kim AiXun.

In a nutshell, he was born with a perfect beauty. People fall in love with him easily because of his looks and also, inheritance of money. His parents were multi-billionaire and was known across the world for their fashion company "KX". Unfortunately, at the age of 13, his parents passed away in a shipwreck and ever since, AiXun was an orphan, refusing to let himself be adopted or even taken in by his relative. He was sure even at the young age, people only wanted him for money. Since then, AiXUn had lived an independent life.

His closest friend is Jung XiaZen. Just like him both of them were mixed blood. Korean, Chinese and Australian. They were childhood friends since young just like siblings. Blood is thicker than water, they say. Zen's parents was kind to let AiXun stay with them ever since the pass of his parents. At the age of 18, AiXun moved in to his own house. He was thankful for Zen's parents. Unlike other adults that only wanted him for his wealth, Zen's parents only wanted to care for him and give him parent figure.
It was at the age of 19 when AiXun decided to return back to Korea and continue his life there. Hence he moved back to Korea, bidding goodbyes to his foster parents in China. Of course, Zen had followed him too.

"Oh damn man, hot coffee, again?" Zen grimaced looking at the blistering skin on AiXun's abs.

AiXun chuckled, "unfortunately yes. Hot coffee again and it somehow felt like a dejavu."

"Seriously though, what is up with you and coffee? Worse, if it's the same guy, what's up with you and that guy spilling hot coffee on you." Zen threw him a cooling cream.

AiXun easily caught it, gently applying it to his red skin, "now that you mentioned it. Could it actually be the same person? His name is WonWoo. I wonder if he goes to the same college as us."

"Let me give it a check." Zen opened his laptop, typing in the name mentioned. "Oh, his full name is Jeon WonWoo and he's a year older than us. His major are Physics and Musics. Weird combination but, okay. He does look decent though and his class is literally down our hallway. Let's give it a check tomorrow."


AiXun would be lying if he said he wasn't excited to actually see if WonWoo classroom is down the hallway from their classroom. It would actually be a miracle and interesting as if they were fated together. AiXun had to admit that WonWoo was very good looking and cute. The glasses that he wore, the nervous stutter and, the sweater paws. If AiXun would actually get to know WonWoo, he was sure that he would fall for the older. No doubt, he is bisexual and both genders work for him.

"Hey Hey Hey Ai! Oh damn, that is so much more than last month."Zen said. "Are you gonna throw it away?"

AiXun sighed, bending down to pick up all the letters that was on the floor. He was actually going to throw it away but, he would do it in secret. As much as he hated being all the popularity in college, he was not going to be an awful man to throw this handwritten letters in front of everyone. AiXun stuffed it back into the locker and took what he needed instead.

"tonight. 8pm at Roy's?" He asked the other.

"Of course! Kim Raven will be there," Zen teased. AiXun could not help but felt his cheek heat up. Surely, Kim Raven held an important role in his life. She was a masseur and all he could say was that he had one of his best night on the first day of school.

"Weird, isn't it?" Zen asked.

The duo had left the washroom after finding out that there was someone eavesdropping on them. It was not like a big deal but, AiXun was curious to whom was in the washroom earlier on.

"Zen, go on ahead without me. I'll be right behind you." AiXun said. Zen waved him off and left. Meanwhile, AiXun hid behind a wall near the washroom. He waited for a couple of minute until he heard the door open. There, revealed the sweater paw guy, Jeon WonWoo. A smile crept on his face as he sees the redness of WonWoo's cheeks. He must have had the impression that AiXun had sex yesterday.  A chuckle left his lips as he watches WonWoo rushing back into his classroom and so did AiXun, trailing quietly behind him.

"So, you up for a game of basketball?" Zen questions his childhood friend. It was finally the end of another school day.

AiXun shook his head, "sorry, I'll pass this time."

"Alright man. I'll see you tomorrow then." The two fist bump each other and split ways.

AiXun made his way to SVT Cafe, one of his favourite cafe in town. No doubt, he spent most of his money on the coffees and pastries sold there. It was his alone time, finally. Every week, AiXun picks a day where he is in the best mood to just hang out with himself because his 'popularity' in college was not of any help.

"Ai!" Ren greeted the tall man. "I haven't seen you since last Sunday. Are you okay?"

Ren, one of his favourite barista. He had to admit, Ren is beautiful even though he is a man. His long brunette hair that he tied into a high ponytail was the most enthralling aspect.

"I'm fine Ren, thank you." AiXun smiled.

"So, the usual today? Or alone time today?" Ren asked.

"I could literally kiss you for knowing me so well." AiXun winks, "alone time please."

Ren blushes, "alone time it is. Have a seat, I'll bring it to you in 10."

"Thank you," AiXun said. He made his way to the corner of the cafe, his favourite spot where the sunlight shines through the window and also, the most secluded area of the cafe. AiXun put on his earpiece and got out a book from his bag. He was reading 'In another life' , a story written about two lovers but ended in tragedy.

"Here you go Ai." Ren whispered, putting his coffee and pastries on the table. AiXun muttered a thank you and begin reading.

Oh, how much do he love his alone time. That was until, a certain someone decided to interrupt his peace.

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