
194 4 0

Kim AiXun

He was devastated. This was the third time. The third time WonWoo had canceled on him this week after they had make plans together, simply to just hang out together. He was all excited when school had finally ended. It was the Friday night and he had planned to surprise WonWoo with a movie night and sleepover at his house. Certainly, he was not expecting WonWoo canceling on him, again with the reason that ChangKyun had begged to accompany him. AiXun was devastated.

"Hey Ai, I haven't seen you in awhile." Ren greeted the sullen looking AiXun who walked through the door of SVT Cafe.

"Hey," AIXun muttered.

"Have a seat, I'll bring over your usual."

"Thanks Ren." AiXun gave him a timid smile before dragging himself to his favourite corner.

It wasn't like AiXun to be all sullen over someone. He knew it himself. He was used to being alone but, why was WonWoo's absent affecting him. AiXun wondered to himself as he sulks, leaning his head onto the table watching as people walks by through the window.

"Hey Ai," Ren softly called out. "Wanna talk about it?" He had invited himself, sitting opposite of the latter after serving him his usual cup of coffee and cake.

"It's okay." AiXun hummed. He lifted his head and poked the cake.


"Love-life?" AiXun repeated.

Ren nodded, "yeah. I assumed you might be having trouble with your love life. You look like someone who got rejected and dumped on the streets"

"I've only been rejected once in my life and that was years ago and I don't think I might be having any love interest at the moment." AiXun said.

"Okay," Ren gave him a weird gaze, "spill. What's on your mind."

"I have this Hyung that I hang out with a lot but, ever since he met his old friend. He canceled on me thrice this week."

"Do you like him?"

"Of course I do. He's kind, smart, hands--,"

Ren cut him off, "do you like him as in a lovey way. Do you have a crush on him? Do you desire him to be your life partner?"

"N-- ye," AiXun felt speechless.

He had never really thought about it. He had never thought about himself liking Jeon WonWoo in a lovey way. Or did he? In fact, it's been years since AiXun felt so comfortable with someone other than Zen. He felt as if he could be himself when WonWoo is around. He didn't feel suffocated. In times when AiXun was on the verge of having an anxiety attack, just a glance of WonWoo's feature calm him down instantly. He wanted to be close to WonWoo. AiXun didn't particularly reminisce wanting to kiss WonWoo. He knew he always held his hands, pulled him into a hug but, it never seems to end in a love situation. AiXun thought it was something friends would do. 

"So, do you like him?"

"I'm not sure." AiXun admitted.

"If that's the case, what do you feel around him that you don't feel with others?"

"I feel secure and I can be myself around him." 

"and?" Ren urged.

"He never fail to make me smile. Even when I'm angry at him, I just can't seem to be angry at him. I have to hide myself and lash out in anger because I don't want to hurt him."

"Ask yourself. Is he someone you wish you could spend your entire life with?"

"Yes." Without hesitation, AIXun answered.

"You, my dear is in love with this hyung of yours." Ren summarized.

"I'm in love with him."

AiXun ran back home. He thanked Ren, gulped down his cup of coffee and shoveled the cheesecake. He paid for his coffee, leaving a huge tip for Ren before sprinting back home. An idea had came up in his mind and he didn't want to lose it. The moment AiXun reached his house, he kicked off his shoe, tossing his beg to wherever it led to. AiXun turned on his laptop, plugging his amplifier before hitting the record button. AiXun was going to use this opportunity to create a love song for WonWoo and also, to get his assignment done for the school carnival.

"Hey WonWoo!" Ren chimed as the latter walks into SVT Cafe alongside ChangKyun and Shownu. "Weird, AiXun just left a minute ago and here you are."

"AiXun? What was he doing here?"

"He came in all sullen so he got his cup of coffee and cake. Then he suddenly left in a rush." Ren said.

WonWoo couldn't help but feel the worrisome arose in him.

"I shouldn't have canceled on him today. Urgh," WonWoo looked at ChangKyun, "you owe me big time."

ChangKyun laughed, patting his shoulder, "you will owe me big time. Trust me, that guy is head over heels for you. He's just as oblivious as my dearest Shownu Hyung here."

"Yah, why am I involve." Shownu pouts.

"Don't worry hun. You're still mine anyways." ChangKyun planted a kiss to the latter's cheek.

"What can I get for you guys today?" Ren asked.

"The usual for me." WonWoo answered.

"Iced White Chocolate and Iced Americano for us, please." Shownu said.

Ren nodded, "it'll be at your table in 10."

The trio headed to the corner and took a seat.

"Just, out of curiosity, what made you fall for AiXun?" ChangKyun asked.

WonWoo pondered, fiddling with his sweater, "I don't have an exact answer. Well, he is my 'love at first sight'," he quoted, "other than that, I don't know the exact reason why I fall for him."

"and bro, that's how you end up marrying the person." Shownu chuckled, "when you love the person, you can't find the exact reason why you love them. It remained unknown. You can write a thousand things about that person. Hell, you can produce a book but, all the qualities reason can be found inside of another person. However, this specific person that you love seems to have an unknown reason to why you love them."

Those words struck WonWoo right through his heart.

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