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Kim AiXun

AiXun wished he didn't have so much past. Now, he knew why he gained a fan club in college. It all makes sense. He did held a name to himself for more than 5 years and the fact that he barely remember any of it became a problem to him. He thought when people randomly wanted to take pictures with him on the streets was solely just because he had looks. Apparently, they knew who AiXun was. AiXun sighed for what seems to be the millionth time that day. School had ended and all he wanted to do was sleep his tiredness away or just, stare into space and do nothing.

Zen approached his childhood friend, startling him from behind, "bro, you good?"

"Tired." AiXun yawned.

"You've been tired lately. What have you been doing?"

"Living." AiXun answered.

"AiXun?" Zen worriedly gazed at him, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" AiXun raised an eyebrow.

"You've been having those symptoms again, aren't you?" AiXun stayed silent realizing where the conversation was leading to.

AiXun chuckled, "no, man. I'm good. Classes has been stressful, you see. Exams are nearing."

Zen looked at him in disappointment, "you know you can't keep it to yourself right? I'm here for you, Kim AiXun." AiXun hated the fact that whenever Zen said his full name, he just happen to be extremely serious.

"It's just insomnia. Nothing to that extent." AiXun admitted.

"That's already bad. Let's go to the doctors." Zen tugged on his arm.

"No thanks. I'm still fine. It's controllable."

"It won't be controllable sooner or later." Zen said.

"I'll be fine. History won't repeat itself." AiXun said. He stood up, exiting the classroom and walked down the hallway to his locker.

"Yah! I wasn't done talking to you." Zen grumbled, trailing behind the other.

"Oh, we're so done with this topic." AiXun responded as he took his things from the locker. "Stop thinking too much. I'm fine."

"How can I not?" Zen rolled his eyes.

"It's not li--," AiXun cuts himself off. His eyes wondered down the hallway seeing Tiara talking to WonWoo. A sudden anger build up in him. AiXun slammed his locker shut and stomped towards them. "What are you doing?" He asked, sliding in between WonWoo and Tiara.

"Ai--, "

"Oh, it's nothing Oppa. I'm just getting to know WonWoo." Tiara grinned.

"Wipe that grin off." Venom was heard in his voice, "never talk to WonWoo Hyung ever again. FYI, he is older than you, show some respect." AiXun grabs WonWoo's hand and pulled him away. Zen who watched the entire thing unfold, smile as an idea pops into his head.

"Yah, Kim AiXun." WonWoo called out, stumbling as AiXun pulled him the entire time. "Slow down, I'm gonna fa---,"

AiXun stopped abruptly causing WonWoo to bump behind his back, "are you okay? Did Tiara hurt you? Did she said mean things? Hyung, please don't listen to her."

"W..what are you talking about?" WonWoo steadied himself. "Tiara didn't hurt me. She was just telling me to help her ask you out on a date."

AiXun rolled his eyes, "I told her that I do not want to go out with her. Why can she not understand that?"

"Why won't you go out with her?" WonWoo asked.

"She is evil. She's only after me because of my inheritance."


AiXun sighed, "sorry Hyung, let's not talk bout it."

"It's okay, I understand."

"Anyways, since we're here. Wanna hang out?" AiXun beamed.

"I can't," WonWoo frowned, pushing his glasses up, "library duty."

"urgh, I hate EunWoo sunbae. He's always giving you library duty." AiXun groaned.

WonWoo couldn't help but chuckle. EunWoo had been asking about AiXun ever since the two had been hanging out. Apparently, AiXun had been very useful to the college library that EunWoo wanted to employ him as a part time library volunteer just like WonWoo himself but, he instantly got rejected.

"It's only for 2 hours." WonWoo said.

"but, two long hours without you Hyungggggg," AiXun whined, "I can die of boredom."

WonWoo blushed at his words, looking away from the intense eye-contact AiXun was giving him, "you could help me if you want."

"Yes I would!" AiXun chimed, "let's go."

"Your lover boy is here again," EunWoo whispered to WonWoo.

"He's not my lover boy." WonWoo blushed.

"Then what is he?"

"He's just a friend."

"Friend? More like boyfriend." EunWoo smirked, "he's been tailing you like a lost puppy. Ever since you guys 'hanged out', I've never seen you without him around."

EunWoo was right. When was the last time WonWoo went anywhere without AiXun? Apart from going to his classes, he always ended up with AiXun be it before school or after school. They were that close apparently.

"Just confess already." EunWoo urged.

"Oh hell no." WonWoo shook his head frantically.

"Hell no, what?" AiXun interjected, "Hi Sunbae."

"WonWoo has a crush on someone and he hasn't confess to that person." EunWoo explained.

A visible frown could be seen on AiXun's face, "oh, who's that lucky person?"

"It's no one," WonWoo quickly said before EunWoo could open his mouth.

"Your lost. AiXun should know." EunWoo smirked, "I better go now. Good luck WonWoo." and he left.

"Hyung, you have a crush on someone?" AiXun whispered.

WonWoo could feel himself flustered, "a.. ah, yeah I do."

"Who is it?"

"Just someone I know."

"Do I know him?"

"Yes, I do."

"Is he older than you?"

"No, he isn't."
"Who is it?" AiXun frowned.

Why? Why was AiXun so curious about who he likes?

"J..Just someone." WonWoo stuttered.

"How much do you like him?"

"A lot."

AiXun could not describe his feelings. The fact that he knew WonWoo liked someone, hurt him as if he was stabbed in the heart but, why? Why did he feel that way? Why does he not feel satisfied that WonWoo liked someone? Why does it hurt so much?

"I'm going home. I just remembered that I have homework to do." AiXun said to the older. "I'll see you around, Hyung."

"AiX--," before he could hear anything else from WonWoo, AiXun hurriedly grabbed his bag and left the library leaving the other dumbfounded.

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