
184 4 0

Jeon WonWoo




Ironed Clothes.

Shiny Glasses.

Neat Hair.

WonWoo checked himself out for the hundredth time in the mirror. Today was the day AiXun was bringing him out on a 'date'. He was nervous, almost cold sweating more than a bucket. As much as AiXun joked about it being a 'date', WonWoo still pretended that it was a real 'date'. He wanted to impress AiXun with the way he dressed.

"You look great Hyung." AiXun smiled. "So, you ready for our date?"

"Yeah," WonWoo shyly replied. "Where are we going?"

"Surprise," AiXun said, "shall we?" He offers a hand to the elder. WonWoo took his hand and was led to a car.

"I didn't know you could drive."

"I got my driving license 3 years ago." AiXun smiled. He opens the door for the older before running towards the driver side. AiXun drove away from the apartment. "You smell so sweet Hyung. Almost too seductive."

WonWoo blushed, "it's just a perfume MinGyu bought for my birthday. Is it bad?"

"No, I actually love it but, let's make a deal. Only wear it when you're with me."

"sounds like jealousy."

"It is," AiXun answered nonchalantly as he focused on the road while making a right turn, "I don't want people to be attracted to you. Did you know that smell is one of the most high aspect as a human being. Would you rather date someone who smell like shit or someone who smells nice?"

"I think I'll date someone who smell like shit." WonWoo joked.

"Are you serious? I'm literally going to cover myself in shit to smell like it."

WonWoo grimaced and giggled at the younger, "Of course not, Ai. I was just kidding. You seem a little possessive today."

"Of course. I need to figure things out."

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing. Just something in my head." AiXun mumbled, "anyways, we're here." He parked the car in a lot.

Their first destination was the skating rink. AiXun excitedly pulled WonWoo into the building. He was astonished to find no one, literally no one on the rink, something he did not expect considering how famous the skating rink was, especially to tourist. The only people he sees were the staff there.

"Is the rink open today?"

"Of course but, just for us." AiXun grinned.


AiXun smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his neck, "yes, I did. Anxiety things." WonWoo nodded understandingly.

"Do you actually skate?" WonWoo asked the latter.

"Is it obvious that I don't?" AiXun sheepishly grinned, scratching his nape.

WonWoo chuckled, "By the look of how you tightened your skate, it's quite obvious. Here, let me help you." The older bent down to redo his laces. AiXun couldn't help but feel the butterflies in his stomach. "You're all set. Come on in."

WonWoo was the first to enter the rink, skating gracefully. AiXun looks at the older, mesmerized by his move before stepping into the rink and wobbly tried to skate.

"Need a hand?" WonWoo skated towards the younger, holding his hand out.

"I sure do." AiXun took the older hand, "how are you so good at ice skating?"

"I used to skate a lot when I was younger, it was a hobby."

"You should skate more Hyung. You look gorgeous." AiXun complimented making WonWoo turn as red as a tomato.

The two skated around the rink gracefully, hands intertwined as a soft tune were blasted throughout the entire rink. The atmosphere was as light as a feather, as romantic as Paris and AiXun couldn't help but, stare at WonWoo, eyes sparkling in awe, mentally complimenting on how beautiful WonWoo was.

"OOPS!" AiXun tripped against his own feet and fell flat to the ground. In the midst of it, the younger had pulled WonWoo along causing him to fall on top of him. AiXun swore his heart was going to be explode.

"Are you okay?" WonWoo asked the younger under him.

" Couldn't be any better. Hyung, can you hug me?"

WonWoo was taken aback by the request but, nonetheless wrapped his hand around the latter body and puts his head on his chest, he could hear how fast AiXun's heart was beating. It was a minute latter when a loud growl was heard and AiXun blushed profusely.

"You're starving aren't you?" WonWoo laughed.

"My stomach loves to ruin the mood." AiXun pouts.

"Shall we get some food?"

AiXun nodded eagerly, "yes please.  Just in time, I got a reservation for us."

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