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Jeon WonWoo

It was weird to say that AiXun hadn't text him for almost two days now. It was the weekend. WonWoo could not help but feel even more worried than he already was. WonWoo was not going to lose it for another second. He grabs his wallet and keys, stuffing them into the pocket of his coat.

'This seems like a bad idea. I should just turn back around.' WonWoo wondered to himself. After a 10 minute walk, WonWoo found himself outside of AiXun's apartment.

"WonWoo Hyung! What are you doing here?"

WonWoo blushed, wanting to hide himself, he couldn't believe that Zen had spotted him outside of AiXun's apartment. "Hey Zen. I came to check on AiXun."

"Great timing then." Zen gave a cup of coffee and cake to him, "I actually need to leave for a basketball practice. So, please help me get this to him."

Before WonWoo could retort anything, Zen had left. A sigh left his lips as he gathered himself, softly knocking onto the door.

"Bro, you do know you have a key, you don't have to kn--," AiXun opened the door, his eyes widened upon seeing the older, "Hyung, Hey. What are you doing here?"

"I.... you...." WonWoo took a deep breath, "you haven't texted me in two days so I got worried if you were sick or, felt upset again so, I came to check on you and Zen left this with me cause he has a basketball practice to attend."

"That's sweet of you," AiXun grins, "come in Hyung."

WonWoo followed him into the apartment.

"Sorry, it's a mess in here."

"It looks like a hurricane." It was as if the apartment was turned upside down. There was crunched paper thrown everywhere on the floor. Three different guitars were laying on three different spots. There was clothes in the sink. "Are you okay? Did you have a breakdown?"

"Kind of," AiXun let out a nervous chuckle, "but, I'm fine. I was just having a writer block."

"I can help you clean up if you want." WonWoo offered.

"That'll be wonderful Hyung." The two spent the next hour, cleaning the apartment. 

"and that's the last piece of paper." AiXun groaned, plopping onto the couch, "I can't believe you helped me clean the apartment. Thank you so much Hyung. I really owe you."

"You're most welcome. Don't worry, I find cleaning, healing." WonWoo sat beside him, "anyways, I wanted to apologize for canceling on you."

"You don't have to. You have other friends that you can hang out with. I don't want to seem so possessive of you."

"I kind of wish you did." WonWoo muttered.

"What did you say, hyung?"

"No...nothing." WonWoo stammered, "have you eaten?"

AiXun immediately shot up of his seat, "oh. Now that you mentioned it, the cake Zen got me. That was suppose to be my dinner."

"Dinner? You mean, an appetizer right?"

"No?" AiXun sheepishly answered as he took out the cake from the bag, "dinner." That was when a loud growl was heard.

"When was the last time you ate actual food, AiXun?"

"Last.... two days?" AiXun admitted.

"Oh god," WonWoo confiscated his cake, "go and wash up. I'll whip up something."

"Hyungggg," AiXun whined, "what would I do without you?"

WonWoo smiled, keeping the cake, "go, take a bath."

"Thank you Hyung. I love you so much." AiXun winked and left to the bathroom.
Love? Did AiXun just said he loved him? Despite the heat of his cheeks, WonWoo brushed the thought away, telling himself that it was impossible. He spent the next half an hour, whipping a homecook dish with anything that he can find in the kitchen.

"I'm all freshen up." AiXun strolled into the kitchen, half naked. Only wearing a loose sweatpants that dangled extremely dangerous on his hips.

"Just in time. I used up the minimal amount of ingredient and all I could make is Cheesy Kimchi Fried Rice and some beef stew." WonWoo said as he served the dish onto the dining table.

"It smells delicious. Thank you for the food." The younger grinned and begin eating, "jesus. This is awesome. Hyung! Please marry me. I need your food to survive." As casual as AiXun said, WonWoo swore that he would faint in shock hearing the younger indirectly proposing to him.

WonWoo awkwardly chuckled, "you can always get this kind of food in the convenience store."

"but, it is not as good as how you make them. If you cook for me every day, I promise you, I'll be happily gaining weight." AiXun complimented making the older smile.

"Ai? Can I call you that?"

"Of course you can Hyung. You can call me yours if you want." He flirted.

"Sure Ai." WonWoo rolled his eyes, "I've actually wanted to ask you some things if you don't mind."

"Fire it away."

"The burn mark on your torso. Where did you get it from?"

"Oh." AiXun hummed as he finishes the last bit of fried rice, "airport."


"Yeah," He nodded, "I was walking to the gate for a flight and I bumped into someone holding an extremely hot cup of coffee."

"that must have hurt, a lot."

"Honestly, at that moment of time, I wasn't myself. I didn't feel the pain. I only realize that it was bad when Zen told me my skin scalded. The funny thing is, the coffee was white mocha just like your favourite drink." AiXun chuckled, "if it was really you that day Hyung, I would literally get on my knees and propose. It's like we're fated considering the two time you spilled coffee on me."

WonWoo wasn't sure if AiXun was retorting jokingly or seriously.

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