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Jeon WonWoo

A week. It's been a week since WonWoo last saw AiXun. A week since the incident in the library where AiXun found out that WonWoo liked someone but, didn't mentioned who. Wonwoo debated whether he should text the other but, was scared that he would just be a bother. The reason remained unsaid. WonWoo didn't know why AiXun suddenly ghosted him.

"I told you Hyung. He likes you." MinGyu emphasized. Three days ago when WonWoo felt hurt that AiXun ghosted him, he told MinGyu about his situation and since then, MinGyu had repeated countless of time that AiXun liked him. Of course, he was not going to believe it.

"It does not matter. I must have did something wrong causing him to ghost me." WonWoo reasoned, "maybe because he likes Tiara and got mad that she talked to me."

WonWoo knew the reason was bullshit but, he needed an excuse.

MinGyu rolled his eyes, "You think Kim AiXun would like Lee Tiara? In hell they would."

"If," WonWoo started, "he did like me, he wouldn't just ghost me. He should have just confess immediately."

"Fair point but, he could have taken it that you liked someone else and do not want to destroy your relationship with the other."

MinGyu was right but again, WonWoo refused to believe it.

WonWoo sighed, "whatever, it's just monkey first love."

"Trust me, you guys are in love with each other. My gut is never wrong." MinGyu said.

Oh how the entire world prayed that WonWoo could believe himself. WonWoo bid goodbye, making his way back home. It was late at night and WonWoo had helped Ren to close up the shop. Oddly, Ren had asked WonWoo where AiXun went. Much to his dismay, AiXun hadn't been to the cafe since a week ago.

"Jeon WonWoo." His body stiffened upon hearing his name being called out. Someone had touched his shoulder from behind. WonWoo yelped throwing his laptop bag that he carried to the person. "Ouch. Woah, Hyung. Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."


"That's me." Zen said, passing WonWoo's laptop back to him. "I need to talk to you about AiXun."

"Is he okay?" Panic was seen on WonWoo.

"I'm not sure." Zen admitted. "I haven't seen him for a week now. He hasn't been to class for a week, he locked himself at home. He wouldn't reply my text messages too. I thought maybe he replied to you."

"he hasn't text me lately and I haven't either."

"Can you, maybe send him a text?"

"Yes of course," WonWoo took out his phone. He took a deep breath before sending a little 'Hi' to AiXun. "What happened?"

"I'm not sure Hyung. I thought you knew."

"I'm sorry, I really don't. I'm also still figuring out why he is silent."

"You mean, you guys didn't fight or anything?"

"Of course not. Why would I fight about AiXun about?"

Zen looked at him weirdly, "if he didn't fight with you, what could have made him lock himself in his house?"

"Have you tried going over to his house?"

"I did but, he even changed his lock so I can't enter his house even with the spare key."

A ding was heard, WonWoo looked at his phone seeing that AiXun had replied him, "oh, he replied to me."

"Call him Hyung." Zen urged. WonWoo nodded, dialing the younger phone number.

AiXun: Hyung?
WonWoo: AiXun? Hey.
AiXun: Hey.

AiXun sounded weak, almost dead if WonWoo could find the right word to describe his voice.

WonWoo: AiXun, are you okay?
AiXun: I'm fine Hyung.
WonWoo: Where are you at?
AiXun: Home.
WonWoo: Did you change the locks to your door?
AiXun: Zen told you, didn't he?

A low weak chuckle echoed into his ear followed by a series of cough.

WonWoo: Why didn't you let Zen inside?
AiXun: I didn't want to see anyone.
WonWoo: then, can I see you?
AiXun: you want to see me?
WonWoo: yeah.
AiXun: ok but, I don't want Zen to come with you. I want to see you, alone.
WonWoo: I'll be there.

WonWoo ended the call.

"I think he is sick. He sounded weak and he was coughing."

"He also said that he did not want me to come, right?" Zen speculated. WonWoo nodded in response. Zen sighed, "I trust you hyung but, I need a favour from you and you must absolutely not tell anyone about it."

"O...Okay." WonWoo felt his heart thumped.

WonWoo nervously stood outside of the two floor studio apartment. He cannot believe that he was outside of AiXun's apartment. He was currently waiting for the other to answer the door after he rang the doorbell. It was taking a long time but, just as WonWoo was about to ring the doorbell again, the door opened, revealing a pale AiXun leaning against the wall for support.

"Hi, sorry. I was having a hard time coming to the door." AiXun weakly smiled to the older. "I'm feeling so woozy," AiXun muttered. His body limps forward in time for WonWoo to catch the younger in his arms.

"Oh AiXun." WonWoo could feel the heat radiating from the younger body.

It took awhile for WonWoo to literally drag AiXun back to his room and onto his bed considering that the younger had a broader frail. 

"AiXun, take this." WonWoo whispered. He had rummage through his bag, thanking god when he found a tab or paracetamol. 

AiXun blinked his eyes open trying to keep it that way. He sits up on one elbow and silently takes the medicine WonWoo offer him before laying his head back down on the pillow.

"I'm going to go to your kitchen and grab you some water," WonWoo said. Just as he was about to leave, a hand weakly grabbed onto his wrist.

"Don't leave me." AiXun mumbled.

"I'm not leaving you, I'm just going to grab you some water."

"I don't need water. I need you," AiXun whispered, "stay, Hyung."

WonWoo felt himself blushed furiously. He gave in before sitting on the empty space beside the younger.

"Can you play with my hair?" AIXun pleaded. WonWoo nodded silently, running a hand gently through AiXun's blonde locks. He could hear AiXun cooing under his touch. "Hyung,"


"I miss you. I miss you a lot." WonWoo didn't reply. Instead, he waited until AiXun had fallen fast asleep, his body limp and relaxed from the medicine kicking in. It was then, WonWoo replied to him.

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