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Kim AiXun

He cracked his neck as a sigh left his lips. He was on his fourth cup of coffee and thankfully, it was the last period of school. AiXun had finally completed his song for the school carnival. He submitted his song to the teacher, asking him if he was able to leave early. The teacher approved and AiXun hapilly dragged himself out, walking down the hallway. He stopped by the next classroom, peeking into through the back door. There, sat his favourite Hyung of all time, focusing on the board as he took down notes. AiXun observed as WonWoo would push up his glasses every minute with his sweater paws and he couldn't stop himself from smiling.

"Bro! What are you doing?" Zen jumped on him.
AiXun holds a finger to his lips, telling the other to quiet down, "there's a class going on."

"No shit sherlock. I can see that. Since when are you even interested in physics? You hate physics." Zen rolled his eyes. He looked inside the classroom, seeing Mr Lim who was standing in front conducting the class. "Oh. You're not interested in physics. You're interested in someone in this class."

For the first time in so long, AiXun blushed, nudging the other, " I'm not."

"Is that a stutter? Is Kim AiXun stuttering?" Zen teased. "Do you like him, Ai?"

"I'm not sure." AiXun admitted. "Maybe I do?"

"Bro, I think you're in love with him. You're smiling so widely just watching him study physics." Zen said.

"I'm still figuring it out."

"Oh you don't have to. You figuring things out always take too long and by the time you 'figure it out'," Zen quoted, "it's too late."

AiXun couldn't help but agree to him, "then what do you suggest I do?"

"Let's plan it out." Zen pulled him away from the classroom. "Step one, go to him and confess you like him."

"That's your step one?" AiXun rolled his eyes.

Zen chuckled, "kidding. That should be the last step. Step one," he dramatically cleared his throat, "Getting to know him better. Appreciate him. Find out how his day was or if he had eaten. Maybe even send him notes and gifts."

"Step two?"


"Too late. I think I flirted with him so much that Flirt could be my middle name."

"Step three then, bring him out on a date. Step four, initiate touches. Hold his hand, caress his hair, give him tight hugs. Step five, got to him and confess."

"and if it doesn't work?"

"Ermmmmm," Zen looked everywhere. "YOLO bro. You only live once. Don't think about the consequences."

"Friendship. My precious friendship is at risk here. Of course, I have to think of the consequences."

"Nah, you think too much. You'll be just fine. Now, initiate step one. Good luck." Zen fist bump the other and left.

"Did he just leave him here?" AiXun asked himself.


"Oh, Hey Hyung." AiXun beamed as WonWoo walked to him. "How's class today?"

"How's class?" WonWoo looked at him weirdly, "it was okay, I suppose."
"Have you eaten?" Like a robot, AiXun repeated the words Zen had told him. Step one.

'We ate together during lunch Ai." WonWoo chuckled.

"How many siblings do you have?"

"Ermmm, one?"

"Do you like coffee?" AiXun asked, mentally smacking himself for asking a stupid question.

"I do." WonWoo answered. "You're acting weird. Did you do something wrong?"

"Oh, no I didn't." AiXun shook his head, "I want to know you better."

"I think you've known me enough Ai. Who I am now will always be who I will be in the future." WonWoo said. "I should be the one knowing you better. You're mysterious."

"I am?"

"Yes you are. I find out new things about you every week." AiXun awkwardly chuckled, scratching his nape. "It's like a book with endless chapter."

"I'll tell you everything you want to know about me." AiXun added, "with an exception."

"Ok," WonWoo nodded and led AiXun to his locker. He begins putting his books into it. "What exception could it be?"

"Go on a date with me."

"What?!" WonWoo yelled, catching almost everyone's attention.

"Go on a date with me." AiXun repeated, "You can learn about me and at the same time, I can learn about you. How does it sound?"

"You mean like a friend date kind of thing right?"

AiXun shrugged, "we can date for real though."

"Yah. Kim AiXun, stop sprouting nonsense." The elder threw pillows to his chest. AiXun kept smiling mentally cooing at how cute the latter is.

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