chapter 8: fear the demon king

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Jack was sprinting as he just made it back to the clover kingdom the captains where having another meeting it had been 2 weeks since jack, rill and guilder had gone on the mission.

Julius: so we still have no idea about the whereabouts of the three.

There was a large crash as the doors swung open to reveal an almost dead rill on jack shoulder along with jack who looked traumatised.

Yami: what happend to you string bean

Jack: shut up you ape.

Jack sits in his chair and rill is sent to Owen to get checked up

Julius: so jack where is guilder.

Jack: he's dead man he got his neck snapped neither me or rill could stop it.

Julius: so what happend to you.

Jack: there was this guy he said his name was asta he had gravity magic he completely destroyed us we didn't even hit him once.

Jack: if I didn't manage to step in at the last second rill would be dead aswell.

Yami: sounds like he is a tough cookie.

Julius: could you tell us any more about this asta.

Jack: yea he spoke to himself before we fought he said a name, i think it was lucifero

Julius: we will look into the name lucifero and see if we can get anything about them ( I might have to ask nacht about this it seems to deal with devils)

Julius: now this meeting is adjourned.

We have a mini timeskip to a week later

Lucifero: it seems your power has increased you can now use up to 70 percent of my power you are indeed an interesting one asta.

Asta: I wonder what is going on within the clover kingdom since I did kill 1 of their captains and brutally injured 2.

in the captains meeting room

Julius: this is nacht he is currently a spy in spade but he also might have a leed on this asta person.

Nacht: thank you julius and yes I do know something about this, the man you encountered seems to have some sort of contract with the demon king lucifero.

Captains: whaaaaat!!

Nacht: that's correct and as things stand none of you could stand a chance against him  am i correct jack.

Jack: yea yea your right me and rill got our ass kicked he said he only used at max 15 percent and that was for our strongest attacks combined.

Nacht: exactly but the more worrying thing is he could either posses another magic attribute which he didn't display or he Is manaless meaning he could use 100 percent of luciferos power.

Julius: what do you suggest.

Nacht: you train, train everyone in your squad make them as powerful as possible.

7 month timeskip most of the things happen like cannon like noelle joins the black bulls yuno joins golden dawn and yes yuno is alive he didn't die in the explosion asta kept him alive and somehow everything happend the same.

Asta: do you sense that lucifero that mana it isn't that strong but its not that bad, definitely not human

Lucifero: so much despair I say you go investigate maybe you could cause a bit off suffering along the way.

Lucifero: I also sense some mana from the demon relm leaving out maybe a devil has made there move.

Asta shoots off and In 10 minutes arrives at the capital of the clover kingdom.

Asta: so that castle is what we where sensing wy the hell is it just floating there

Lucifero: that is the infinity castle its a place between the demon realm and ours I say you enter and see what's happening.

Zagred: hahaha look at you weaklings I'm going  to kill you all.

Looks like this is the end of this chapter I'm going to write the next one straight after this one bye guys.

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