i belong with you

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November 18, 2022

Cassie Anderson was staring, shamelessly, at the young woman across from her.

How could she not? The woman was absolutely gorgeous. She was wearing a black, sleeveless shirt under a long-sleeved, black jacket that was zipped up until about five inches from the waistline. On her neck was a thin silver necklace while her wrists had a few accessories of their own. She had her hair down with her bands slightly parted and her makeup was in the theme of her show, Wednesday, which was what she was promoting with this interview.

The dark academia theme fit perfectly on Jenna Ortega and she couldn't look away, even when she was currently being prepared herself. She decided to go for a casual look, not really feeling the importance of her presence in this interview. She had a white, loose-fitted, long-sleeved polo with one side tucked in a pair of black trousers.

Cassie only tore her eyes away from her fellow actress when the director had called for them to take a seat on the chairs prepared in front of the camera. The blonde actress arrived first, sitting down gently and began nervously rubbing her hands together as she waited. Jenna came, not a few minutes later, and sat on the chair beside her.

The brunette gave her a smile, which she returned, and together they faced the director as he gave them a short orientation on what to do. The instructions were easy. They basically just have to do what they usually see on the videos that they put up on YouTube.

"Ready," The director called out and the girls adjusted their position. "And action."

"Hi, I'm Cassie Anderson," She said, smiling widely at the camera.

Jenna watched her with a smile before turning to the camera, "And my name is Jenna Ortega and..."

The two girls turned to each other and nodded. "This is the Wired Autocomplete Interview."

"With Wired," Cassie added.

"We already said that."

"Oh, right."

Autocomplete suggests the most common searches on the Internet.

Cassie jumped a bit on her seat as she took the one-half sized white board from the staff. "I've watched way too many of these interviews. They're so fun." She said,

"She's been telling me about them. I'm very excited," Jenna said beside her. "I love props."

The blonde laughed. "I know these questions are going to be so random and funny."

So WIRED asked Jenna Ortega and Cassie Anderson some of the internet's burning questions.

Cassie held the board and angled it to face the camera while still being visible to Jenna. She took the white strip of tape and ripped it off, revealing the question underneath. "Is Jenna Ortega related to Gina Rodriguez?" She read.

i can see you (jenna ortega) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now