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October 21, 2017

It's funny how a good day can turn bad so quickly. How a simple sentence can send everything crashing down on you. It happens like a snap, before a wave engulfs you and turns every sound around you into a muffled hum. Then, comes the deafening silence. A silence that you want to break. A silence that makes you want to break.


The day had been good. Too good. Days like that don't come often and they don't come purely as a good day. Nor do they end like a good day. She should've expected it. But it was too good. She saw her best friend for the first time in months. Got to meet a new friend, and her girlfriend had asked to meet after not seeing each other for so long. It was supposed to be great. So, how did it end up here?

"Cassie, please say something."

Did she do something wrong? Have she been a bad girlfriend? She had always been supportive and available for her. She flew to Georgia to support her on her first day in The Originals. She was always the one who greeted her in the morning and made sure of it by checking the time zones. Nothing felt wrong so far. The last time they hung out was on the set of Supergirl, that was a month ago. They were happy. Or maybe it was only her.

Was it her? Was she just... not enough?

"Cass, did you hear me?"


A sigh. She looked tired, Cassie observed. It didn't look like it was from work. So, what was it? There was something else. It was clear in her eyes. Guilt.

"I just... I can't do this anymore." She said, running a hand through her brown hair. The color had always made Cassie think about chocolate. But, right now, they looked darker, almost black under the evening sky.

Cassie hugged herself, pulling her jacket closer to her body. "Can you- I don't understand, Dani." She muttered, almost like a whisper.

Danielle sighed. Cassie couldn't count how many times she had done that since they had started talking. How did it come here?

Her mind had started to trace her actions, pulling her away from reality. They agreed to meet at the park. The meeting was a success and she was flying to Vancouver once more to be in 4 episodes of iZombie. That was in a week or so. Danielle looked happy to hear the news, but the smile didn't quite reach her eyes. Cassie knew something was wrong. She was always observing, looking at the tiniest bit that was different. She was used to reading people's faces so she could plan her next actions carefully. At that moment, she noticed that her girlfriend looked conflicted, hesitant to say something.

Everything was going fine until Danielle said it. The words that made her question every single moment that happened to her since December. The words she was repeating now.

"We have to end this." Danielle said, firmly.

Cassie swallowed the bile rising to her mouth. "I heard that. But... does- are you breaking up with me? Is that it?" She asked, still trying to make sense of the situation. "Did I do something wrong? What- where did this come from?"

"It's not your fault. I should've ended things earlier but I was too scared to do it." Danielle took a deep breath before looking at her. "I... never really loved you, Cass. Not as much as you did. Did I like you? Of course, I did- at first, I did. You were so sweet and so kind that I couldn't help but like you."

"But you don't love me..."

"No." She paused, trying to find the right words. "I guess I didn't really give it much thought and jumped into this relationship. I thought it would clear things out for me over time and it did but..."

i can see you (jenna ortega) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now