golden globes 2023

379 21 29

January 11, 2023

Cassie couldn't remember the last time she had woken up with a smile.

But she felt the corners of her lips turn up before she even opened her eyes. And when she did, her favorite sight in the morning greeted her-Jenna, fast asleep. Cassie could already picture the soft, dark brown pools behind her closed eyelids. 'How am I so lucky?' she asked herself as her fingers gently brushed a strand of hair away from Jenna's face, causing her to stir.

Cassie grinned as Jenna finally opened her eyes. "Good morning," She said, the happiness swelling in her chest, making her giggle.

Jenna smiled. "Good morning," She greeted. "How long have you been awake?"

"Just a few minutes before you."

The brunette hummed before twisting her body closer to Cassie. "You know what day it is?"

"I don't know," Cassie replied sarcastically, placing a finger on her chin. "Is it our anniversary?"

Jenna slapped her shoulder, causing a laugh to erupt between them. "Idiot."

"Your idiot," Cassie added with a smirk. "But, yes, I do know what day it is."

"Finally," Jenna sighed happily, moving her face closer to the blonde. "Being on the red carpet with you."

"Our first red carpet together," The Anderson girl added, smiling as her face was inches away from the other. "Definitely not our last."


Jenna pressed her lips gently against hers, a slight caution hung between them as she wasn't sure what Cassie wanted. But the blonde girl wanted it, more than anyone. She pressed deeper, drowning herself in the swirling sensation in her stomach or the fluttering feeling erupting in her chest. She wasn't sure which one she was experiencing but she liked it all the same. Either way, she understood it as one thing. She wanted Jenna. She loved her and every essence of her being. Her hand made its way to the other girl's cheek, the surface of her thumb softly grazing it. She felt Jenna's hand on her back, exerting a light force to pull her body closer.

The burning of their lungs was enough reason for them to pull away a bit, their faces still connected through their foreheads. The two girls tried to catch their breaths. With their eyes connected, a flurry of thoughts and emotions passed between them as their chests rose and fell in a steady, almost rhythmic, manner. The silence passed like a breeze as an airy laugh escaped Cassie, which was in between a giggle and laughter. The joyous sound was music to Jenna's ears and infected her quickly as her lips turned up into a smile, watching her dear girlfriend with amusement and awe.

"I'll go and make breakfast for us," Cassie said, a wide grin on her face as she placed a quick and soft peck on Jenna's forehead, before throwing the sheets off and pushing herself out of bed.

The brown-haired girl pinched her lips as she laughed at the girl's goofy actions. "I miss you already," She, jokingly, called out to her disappearing figure.

"Not as much as me!" She heard Cassie yell, sending her into another fit of giggles. Jenna swung her arms to grab her phone, pressing the power button to light up the screen so she could check for messages. There was one, from her manager, Vivian, telling her that the team needed her to be in the studio by 11, or 12 at most. It was currently 8 AM and she was definitely in a great mood so she sent a reply saying that she and Cassie would be down by 10:30 and ending it with a smiley face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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i can see you (jenna ortega) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now