i think i'm in love

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a/n: i'm not sure if you guys get notified but i keep editing some stuff bc wattpad is shit when it comes to formatting and i keep changing details in the story. sorry.

i wanna try something. can i get a hi from everyone?

just checking :))

also, don't judge my banners. i suck at editing 🥹😭

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August 19, 2016

Cassie Anderson was a girl who believed in the fantasies of love.

As the Greeks used to believe, humans were once creatures that had two pairs of legs, two pairs of arms, and two heads in one body. Complete in all sense. But the gods—primordial beings who were challenged by the littlest words or objects—were wary that due to our completeness, we would find them unimportant and refuse to worship them. Thus, the king of the gods, Zeus, took it upon himself to do the act and humans were forever separated from their other half, spending the rest of our mortal lives scouring the earth in loneliness. It is said that when a human finds their other half, there would be a sense of mutual understanding, a feeling of being whole once again.

Cassie believed in that myth, spending most of her life looking at hundreds of faces, hoping that one of them might be her other half—her soulmate. Along the way, she had learned about her sexual attraction from an early age of 9, when she starred in her first movie. The thing is, when you're acting alongside a few of the hottest people in Hollywood during that era, there is bound to be some attraction happening. Turns out, working closely with the beautiful Hayden Panettiere and Emma Roberts could make a young Cassie question her entire identity.

She went home one day dashing to her brother's computer to search for answers on why she felt something about her older co-stars. If you're a queer person who has used Google to do the same, you probably knew what happened. Cassie found her answer—she liked girls and only girls. The discovery brought a sense of relief, another piece of the puzzle being added.

She knew that her parents would not be happy to know it but she decided that as long as they didn't know, they could never hurt her for it. Her brother, Nick, had found out about it a few minutes after she did. It was his computer that she used to Google the answers she needed and he saw everything. Her fears had vanished as soon as the man took her in his arms, softly whispering that she would always be his sister. The two siblings cried that day. The only time they shared an emotional moment together and spent the next day acting the same, bickering and teasing each other for the smallest thing. Nothing changed. She was glad for that.

Besides that fact, Cassie also knew one thing. That the truth had only narrowed down her soulmate to one gender, one step close to finding the piece that completed her. She believed that she would find her someday and everything would make sense. She would be complete.

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