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694 21 23

October 21, 2017

Sounds of people yelling orders and moving equipment filled her ears as she entered the massive studio. Cassie couldn't help but look at everything in wonder, feeling sense of nostalgia as she thought about her favorite Disney Channel shows having the same kind of atmosphere. She had wanted to be a Disney star as a kid. Cassie couldn't help but smile at the massive sets that were being moved as they were about to film the next scene.

In front of the set was a small stand filled with people. "So that's where the laughter comes from," Cassie whispered to herself. "I thought it was just a laughing track."

"It usually is." A voice behind her answered. She turned around and faced the director. "May I know who you are?"

She quickly held out her hand. "Oh, I'm so sorry to intrude. I'm Cassie Anderson, I'm-"

"Sidney Prescott's kid. From Scream." The man beamed, taking her hand and shaking it.

"I was gonna say I'm Olivia's friend but that works, too." She chuckled, earning a laugh from the director.

"I think Olivia's by the set. You can look there." He informed.

Cassie thanked him before he turned away to continue preparing for the shoot. She walked toward the 'Lobby' set, looking down at the small package she was holding. When Mr. Rodrigo told her he was going to be bringing Olivia a meal, she didn't hesitate to volunteer in his stead.

The young actress had been in Vancouver for two months filming Supergirl. It was a great role, being a superhero- well, a younger version but she still got the powers. Cassie smiled to herself, combing her newly dyed hair with her hand. She knew her best friend was going to flip when she sees her blonde hair.

Instead of the Filipina, she found her Bizardvaark co-star, Madison Hu. "Hey, Madi." She greeted, smiling.

Madison turned around and felt her jaw drop. "Cassie?" The mentioned girl continued to smile at her. "Your hair."

"It looks good, right?"

"Heck, yeah!" Madison agreed, mirroring the girl's wide smile. "Why?"

"It's for a role. I'm not allowed to tell."

"Ah, I have my fair share of those. It's fine. Are you looking for Liv?"

Cassie nodded before turning her head to look around. "Where is she, by the way?"

"She's there by the corner with the guest star," Madison pointed to a small area at the side where Olivia was, indeed, talking with the co-star. Cassie couldn't see who it was because she had her back turned. She knew it was a girl, judging by their long hair and small stature.

The new blonde nodded. "Thanks, Madi. I'll see you around." She said, walking toward the two girls who were fully engrossed in their conversation. Probably about the scene they were about to film. Olivia had noticed her mid-sentence and closed her mouth as she widened her eyes at the sight.

There she was, her best friend who she had not seen for months, sporting a bright yellow hair and a cheeky smile as she walked, holding a small package. Olivia didn't see the package, of course. She was too busy gawking at Cassie's new hair. "Oh my God," She exclaimed, her mouth hanging slightly.

"Surprise!" Cassie said, shamelessly raising her hands for effect.

"Shut up," Olivia muttered. "You did not just..."

"Just what?" Cassie asked, feeling confused before she was tackled with a tight hug. She laughed at the embrace before returning the gesture, wrapping her arms around the brunette.

i can see you (jenna ortega) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now