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"hello, welcome to mcdonalds, how can i help you *3* >< :D"

jungkook and jimin looked at the guy standing in front of them, and couldn't help but find themselves smiling at his presence.

was he the mystery guy jungkook has been fighting to look for?


but the way he radiated sunshines and rainbows made up for that fact.

jungkook aimlessly allowed his eyes to wander across the menu even though they really didn't come for food.

"hi, could we both just have two big macs?"

the redhead boy grinned and noted that down, small dimples visibly appearing at the corners of his mouth.

"anything else?" he looked up at the pair.

"yeah, um this may sound stupid but..."

"nothing is stupid here, at mcdonalds" the employee, nametag stating his name being hoseok, winked back.

jungkook started feeling a bit creeped out by how joyful this man truly was. "um, ok, anyways we came here the night before, and um.."

"you're taking too long. hi, i'm jimin, i'll just be talking in his place. basically, we went through the drive thru and my friend, jungkook here couldn't help but feel horny over some voice he heard speak to us"

jungkook spun around and smacked his friend on the arm. it didn't seem to bother him much as he continued smiling at the employee.

hoseok laughed lightly at his words and began thinking for a second. "well, i don't know who was on duty for drive thru last night, but i can ask my manager. now are you really, super duper serious about this?"

jungkook shook his head immediately. hoseok sighed. "alright, ill call him over but just be warned, he's not as, how should I put this? he's not exactly the most people person you'll ever meet,"

the boys waited patiently as the redhead disappeared to the back. not even a second later did he appear back with a rather familiar face.

jungkook scoffed in annoyance. he knew he was losing all of jimin in that moment.

"yuna, that's not how to use that machin- yeji, please help her for the love of god. hello, how can I he- you two again??" yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. jungkook nervously scratched the back of his neck while jimin waved hopelessly.

"what on earth could be so important for you to pull me out of the office, jung hoseok?" he turned to look at the boy next to him. he truly wasn't a people person, even the redhead was terrified of him.

"they were just wondering who was on drive thru duty last night?" yoongi raised his eyebrows at that.

"me bitch?? did you not see me give you your bag?" the smaller boy looked at jungkook while he said it, not paying any mind to the lovestruck boy next to him.

"i'm leaving. I've got shit to do. give them their food and make sure it's to go" the grumpy manager turned on his heel before more could be exchanged between one another.

hoseok dropped his shoulders and tapped a few extra buttons on his screen. "i'm sorry it wasn't much help. i'm sure you'll find your dream man soon enough!" he attempted to comfort the taller. jimin continued to remain in silence beside him.

jungkook finally ended up paying for his forceful to-go meal and was about to walk away before he turned and noticed his friend wasn't beside him.

due to his lack of attention, he ended up bumping hard into someone else. quickly standing up, he started bowing at whoever it is that he hurt unintentionally. it was a guy, but he really couldn't see his features much as he had a cap covering majority of his face.

"i'm sorry, let me help you up," jungkook offered his hand. the guy clearly got hurt as he started playing around with his shoulder. he didn't really receive much of a response back as the guy remained silent, only offering a small smile which had been rather pretty in the boy's mind.

he didn't see where the guy ended up disappearing to, as he was too focus on pulling jimin away from his deep conversation with hoseok.

"his name is min yoongi, gguk! min yoongi, isn't that not the most adorable name you've ever heard someone possess?"

that's all he heard from his friend for the rest of the night.

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