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"well, you have to go back in!" jimin whisper yelled. jungkook looked at him like he was insane.

"are you kidding me? after we looked like fish out of water?? absolutely not," he huffed. jimin rolled his eyes and smacked him across the head.

"are you stupid, or just fucking stupid?" jungkook rubbed his head right where he was assaulted.

".... I guess stupi-"

"jungkook! it took us two weeks to find this gu-

"it would've been shorter if it weren't for a certain someone" jimin avoided any form of eye contact with the younger.

"ok! regardless, it's still two weeks! if we leave right now, who knows when the next time you see him will be," jimin reasoned with the other.

jungkook nervously bit his bottom lip. on one hand, he knew his best friend was totally right, but on the other? he looked like a complete fool and it didn't appear like drive thru boy seemed all too interested in him, especially after that.

"just go in, the worst he can do is reject you," jimin shrugged. jungkook plopped himself on the curb and dropped his head into his hands.

"I don't want him to reject me! he's so pretty, and i'm obviously way under his league. just kill me instead! it'll hurt way less!"

"eh, i'm not too sure about that, if i'm being completely honest," jungkook froze.

no no no, god please, no no no no no n-

"heyyyyyyy," jungkook stood right up and cleared his throat. "where did jimin go?"

taehyung chuckled at his sudden stiffness. "yoongi hyung sent me out to get him,"

great, thanks a lot hyung

"oh, um ok then. i guess I'm just gonna go-"

"wait," taehyung wrapped his hand around the younger's wrist. jungkook looked from where they connected up to the boy's face.

taehyung realized what he'd done, and quickly dropped his wrist. "so-sorry about that, um i don't want you to go yet"

"are you deadass?" jungkook was dumbfounded. at this point, he wouldn't have blamed the guy if he had said he never wanted to see or hear of him ever again.

taehyung couldn't help but find him funny. very funny, and very attractive. perfect combination in his book.

"yes, im deadass! i didn't mean to eavesdrop, although you guys weren't really making any of what you were talking about a secret," taehyung started off. that made jungkook want to die. how embarrassing is it for your crush to literally hear you hyperventilate over him? god, please take him now.

taehyung started walking closer and closer to where jungkook was stood. this didn't go missed by him at all. he tried his hardest to keep watch of the distance between him and the other as well as his own breathing.

the older leaned in, in order to be able to whisper his last few words. "i don't think you're under my league,".

the moment he pulled away, jungkook let out the breath he was holding onto for dear life. taehyung smirked at him.

"you're a cute one, don't you know that?"

jungkook didn't know where the confidence had suddenly came from when he finally spoke up.

"is this how you flirt with everyone else?" it was the older's turn to blush furiously. he gulped before he turned to look at the other.

"you caught me," he joked and raised his two hands up.

"I am serious about you being far from being under my league though. if anything, im the one under your league! hell, i work at mcdonalds for fucking sake," taehyung explained.

the younger enjoyed how easily conversation was flowing between the two. it was almost as if they've been friends forever.

"personally, I don't see a single thing wrong with that. you can supply me with a lifetime worth of big macs" jungkook replied.

taehyung couldn't help but think about how cute this boy was. not only was he funny and attractive, but he was nonjudgmental and sweet. the older could see himself getting used to this quick.

"what do you say to a date with me?" taehyung asked with no shame and no consideration with that, as he completely caught the other so off caught, he started having a coughing fit.

taehyung ran to pat the other on the back.

"are you alright?" he asked with concern written all over his face. the younger couldn't really speak properly yet, so he sent a thumbs up.

"great, so about that date?"

"jesus, let me recover first! im already suffering because of you, at least give me a few seconds,".

taehyung hummed and stood silently, looking around the same parking lot he's seen for the past year straight.

"you know, you might as well say yes. you owe me"

jungkook finally looked up at him. "owe you? what are you talking about?"

"you bumped into me, didn't you? you left my shoulder suffering for a good couple of days after that. that's just cruel, don't you agree?" jungkook rolled his eyes.

"look, im sorry abo-"

"uh uh uh, that's just not gonna cut it," he looked at him disapprovingly. "now, a date? I think that equates pretty well,".

jungkook felt the heat rise back to his cheeks once again. "fine! a date it is,".

"great, I'll see you tomorrow at 3. don't be late, darling," taehyung answer enthusiastically. he pulled out the pen from his front shirt pocket and pulled the others arm, beginning to write on his wrist.

"that's my number, don't forget to text me tonight" he winked and walked back into work.

"what the fuck just happened," jimin asked as he witnessed taehyung walk away, and a very flustered boy standing outside.

"I have no clue," the younger replied.

oh la la! ><

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