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date pt 2

they ended up at a park. as the pair came close enough, jungkook caught sight of the laid out blanket on the ground, with a picnic basket alongside it as well as all the supplies needed for their activity today.

"no way" he stopped in his tracks. taehyung turned back to look at him.

"yes way, now cmon" he grabbed the younger's hand, not thinking much of it. jungkook secretly noted just how soft the other's hand felt.

"you did all of this?" he looked around like a child on christmas day.

"sort of. i planned it out, my friends helped organize it. don't tell him i told you, but yoongi hyung helped out a ton!" he said as he took his seat, patting the empty space next to him.

jungkook sat down. "this may just be the sweetest, most kindest thing anyone has ever done for me,".

it may appear like he was lying, but he really wasn't. no one had ever gone through such lengths just for him.

"you need to find better people to surround yourself with, because this is the bare minimum babe" taehyung nudged the other.

he reached over, pulling out bowls and mugs, along with various bottles of paints and brushes.

"these are for you" he placed a pair of dishes in front of the other, with a few bottles of paint. jungkook nodded and watched silently as taehyung moved around a bit more.

"you can start painting, you know" he glanced, already commencing his creativity pool. jungkook snapped back into reality, picking up a brush and paint.

they sat in silence, as they painted. it was comfortable, and it was wonderful. taehyung would steal glances at the boy across from him every now and then, cooing at the way he was so focused, tongue sticking out.

"you know, when you said pottery painting course, i didn't quite envision this, not that I mind" jungkook started conversation. taehyung paused only to listen to him before returning to his bowl.

"what can i say? i'm full of surprises. but in all honestly, this is something that i really enjoy doing on my own. however, i wanted to share this small part of my life with you today,".

jungkook felt special in that moment. he couldn't help but think about just how intimate this moment was for the both of them. as simple as it may seem to the external eye, it was something they both valued heavily.

"i thank you for allowing me to be apart of this," jungkook said. taehyung giggled at his words and scooted closer, placing a soft kiss of his left cheek.

"you're a hard guy not to like, mr. jungkook" taehyung winked. the younger felt himself melt into a puddle.

"thanks" he responded shyly.

taehyung looked over to what jungkook had been constructing out of his vision.

"wah, when were you going to me you were so good at painting? mine looks like shit compared to yours" taehyung stared at the boy's bowl. jungkook had painted a landscape, mountains in the far view and a big body of water. it was incredible.

looking down at his own bowl, the older was no longer impressed by the simple hearts he drew all around it.

"yours is so cute, don't get me started," jungkook complimented the other. taehyung pretended to tear up.

"you are just too good at everything" he responded. jungkook hit him on the shoulder.

"shut up"

"i know a good way you can shut me up" taehyung winked. jungkook could tell he was flirting.

"i don't kiss on the first date" he glared. taehyung smirked at his words.

"and i don't kiss and tell, baby. no one's gotta know" jungkook gasped in disbelief. the other had a comeback for everything.

"you are so corny" he scrunched up his own.

"only for you" taehyung chuckled as he brought his focus back on his bowl.

after painting, they finally ate. the pair ended up talking for hours, as the time slipped them by. it was both heartwarming and romantic.

taehyung slowly stood up, noticing it was beginning to get late. "unfortunately, i do have to pack everything up before we leave" he pouted.

jungkook understood, standing up and dusting off his jeans. he had the proper courtesy to pack up the picnic basket and supplies while the other rolled up the blanket.

"thanks" taehyung mumbled as he removed the basket from the others hands.

"I can carry that, you know"

"now that wouldn't be right. I asked you to go on a date with me, not do slave work" taehyung argued. jungkook could only furrow his eyebrows.

"but it's just a bask-"

"shh, stop complaining," he said as he started walking. "c'mon, i need to walk you home"

jungkook was beginning to think this whole thing was a fever dream. taehyung was too kind for his own good. the younger did not believe he deserved any of the treatment he's gotten today.

"why are you so nice?" the younger allowed to slip out. taehyung smiled softly at his words.

"i'm really not. it's just proper manners. i asked you on a date, not the other way around. i wanted you to enjoy today, and i enjoyed it just as much by you being here," he explained.

he could sense the way he made the other appear shy. he didn't know how long he could last without kissing the other. it was torture, but he was going to wait until the younger initiated anything of the sort.

soon enough, they arrived to their destination.

"this is me" jungkook whispered.

"appears so" the older whispered out. "i'll leave you be. don't think you'll be escaping from a second date though,"

taehyung shot him one last smile and leaned in, kissing him softly on his right cheek. jungkook let his fingers run off where the impact had been made.

"wait" he jogged over to where the older was, and grabbed his collar, pressing his lips upon the other's. taehyung melted into the touch, allowing the other to take charge this once.

"don't tell" was all the younger said after he pulled away. he left taehyung in a daze, as he ran back to his home and successfully escaped inside.

hehe they kissed >3<

also started college, super nervy

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