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hello, welcome to mcdonalds,
how can I help you?

lmao, hi, jungkook

hi hyung  :)

just so you know

we're going to a pottery painting class
for our date tomorrow ^^
I hope you don't mind

ok, sounds good 👍

"that's a really, really cute idea", jungkook whispered to himself. jimin looked curiously over his shoulder.

"ohh, exchanged numbers, it's getting serious" he wiggled his eyebrows. jungkook pushed him away.

jimin threw himself next to the boy on the couch. content, he pulled out his own phone for entertainment.

"so where are you guys going tomorrow?" jimin asked.

jungkook let a small smile escape onto his facial features. "he wants to take me out to a pottery painting class,".

jimin couldn't help but feel jealous over the boy. nothing personal to yoongi, but he had trouble being romantic at times. however, jimin thought it only made him cuter.

"that's actually the cutest thing i've ever heard," he admitted to his friend.

"it really is. he's really super duper nice and sweet and so so hot, it makes me so nervous. i'm actually going to shit my pants when I see him tomorrow,".

"you're literally going to be fine, gguk! you keep forgetting that you're just as hot, be the one making him nervous not the other way around," jimin confronted the other.

what he said wasn't a lie. jungkook was the definition of all round attractive. he was fit, had soft spots for cute, little things, never raises his voice in order to be mean. he was a sweetheart to simply put it.

jungkook sighed. "i guess you're right. i just tend to overthink, you know that,".

jimin threw his arm over the boy's shoulders. "yeah, I definitely know that,"

jungkook hummed back at him. "how's your angry, snappy boyfriend?," he rolled his eyes as he asked.

"he's fine! you know, he doesn't hate you,".

"oh wow, that's news to me because last time I checked, he wanted me dead and served in burgers for his customers," jungkook dramatically put it.

"he's just bad with expressing himself. we should all get together at some point, I want to show you that he's really not that bad," jimin turned to look at his friend.

"i'll think about it," was all the younger said in return.

taehyung sighed happily as he put his phone back into his pocket. luckily, the restaurant wasn't so busy that he was able to respond to the other in a matter of seconds.

"what's got you all dazed?" seokjin raised his eyebrows.

"i've got a date tomorrow!" taehyung could have practically been bouncing off the walls the way he was appearing.

seokjin perked up at his words. "a date? with who? do tell!"

"his name is jungkook, and he's so cute, you'd love him if you saw him," taehyung gushed to his friend. seokjin smiled at the way the younger was bragging about his date.

"by the looks of it, it seems like he's got you wrapped around his finger" the older inquired. taehyung rolled his eyes at him.

"he's just... different, ok! he's really funny and cool, and I'm excited to see him, that's all!" the boy argued back.

seokjin allowed his squeaky laughter to fill up the walls of the mcdonalds.

"yup, you're definitely his bitch, but wait, the kid can't be funnier than me, right?" seokjin switched to a serious tone.

"yes he is," the younger said without hesitation. seokjin fainted dramatically into his arms.

"no, dear god, i've lost my dear beloved taehyung-ah"

taehyung pushed him off. "you're so annoying! look, customer incoming"

seokjin stood up instantly.

"heyoooo, welcome to mcdonalds, ho-

liar! come here," taehyung ran.

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