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"hey, what can I get you?"

"hi, yoongi hyung" jimin exclaimed. jungkook scoffed beside him. he did not want to be there today. nope, not at all. he was giving up.

was it stupid to give up? yeah

was he still going to do it? yeah

at least he was trying to, but his annoying, little friend wasn't letting him. the grumpy, mean manager wasn't making this situation any easier.

"hey, min, what's up with the guy?" he signaled with his head. jimin looked beside him and sighed hopelessly.

"no dream man to sweep him off his feet," he shrugged.

"he's still on the drive thru shit? c'mon, it's been like two weeks, move on," he said honestly. and if jungkook wasn't in that state already, he would've argued back, but he just couldn't find it in himself.

jimin hissed at his boyfriend, scolding him for saying such a thing. yoongi remained with his blank expression. suddenly, jungkook threw himself on the older dramatically.

"get the fuck off me!" yoongi tried elbowing the boy away. jungkook only continued whining.

"why am i not allowed to find love, hyung? is that such a crime," yoongi rolled his eyes. he glared at jimin, signaling him that he was not fond of this whatsoever.

jimin watched, only mouthing a "be nice!" to him. unwillingly, he awkwardly patted the boy.

"you'll find him soon, or like... whatever" he tried comforting the other. that only caused him to whine louder. realizing that this was lasting longer than needed, jimin forcefully pulled his friend off.

"jungkook stop it! just tell me what you want and we'll get out of here," the boy pouted. feeling tired, he leaned to whisper his order to the other.

"no, i'm not ordering that!"

"please? i deserve it," jungkook pleaded.

just as he was about to open his mouth, yoongi shut them both up.

"listen, my break is in like... one minute," he explained. "there's someone coming in to cove- there he is,"

all heads turned to the door, mystery cap guy returning once again. this time, jungkook followed his every move.

"i'm going on break, take their order if you want" yoongi said, not really caring. he wasn't paid enough for everything he's gone through recently.

the guy nodded and moved to the backroom for a second. both boys stood awkwardly around until a familiar face returned.

no, that couldn't be-

"taehyung! what a nice surprise," jimin said. jungkook turned to look at him.

the guy who he caught flirting not too long ago... is cap guy? and how does jimin know who he is?

"hi, jimin it's good seeing you're still in one piece after spending so much time with yoongi hyung"

"I heard that!" echoed from the back office. they all laughed. except jungkook.

oh my god, he is drive thru boy.

"oh my fucking god" jungkook started internally panicking. jimin looked at him questionably.

"uh, is he ok?" taehyung inquired.

"stop talking," jungkook hushed him down. now, jimin was very very confused by his actions.

"what the fuck is up with yo- oh my god" he put two and two together. taehyung no longer felt comfortable standing there anymore.

silence came over them, as the pair stared at each other and continuously pointed in taehyung's direction.

after what felt like an eternity, jungkook pulled jimin out of the restaurant.

"you knew drive thru boy the whole fucking time??"

"i really didn't realize, oh my god, im so so so fucking sorry"

jungkook was in disbelief. and now the love of his life thinks he's a complete idiot after making a fool out of himself.

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