Part 1

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Logan sat on a bench watching everyone in their groups, laughing and smiling. They had just got done with mid terms and the Dean gave the rest of the day for free.

His eyes wandered over to his ex friend group, they all sat in a circle. Lisa and Micheal were leaning against each other while James was throwing grapes into Zoeys mouth. Lola Vince and Quinn were in a conversation, it looked like they were debating something.

It was his fault that he's not over there, he distance himself after realizing that he doesn't want to be the rich asshole. He got tired of being used for his money, spending many nights questioning why they were friends with him. He only came to one conclusion. Money. He stopped talking to everyone even girls.

After rejecting so many girls they caught on and stopped bothering, he was a ghost now. No one really spoke to him as he lurked in the corners watching everyone. It was bittersweet. He felt less crappy, but a overwhelming loneliness came over him.

Chase tried to call him once, asking how everyone is. He wandered if Micheal told him how little they talk these days, the short conversations coming in and out of the dorm. Micheal never questioned why he backed away. He figured he never cared.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Dean Rivers walking towards him, a smile tugged at his lips. As sad as it was the Dean was his only friend, surprisingly.

"How are you Logan?" He asked sitting down, folding his leg over his other on, resting his hand on his ankle.

"I'm great Abe." He was on first name basis. "What about you?"

"Well I'm proposing to my girlfriend this weekend, I'm ecstatic." Logan gave him a bright grin and shook his shoulder.

"I'm so happy for you!" He genuinely was. He met Dean rivers new girlfriend a month ago. Kristy was perfect match for him.

"Me too. Where you going for break kid?" Logan shrugged, he was on the outs with dad at the current moment. Unsure if he even will be going to PCA next year, unsure if his dad will pay for it. Luckily he had been saving left over money from his allowance before his dad cut him off.

"I figured I'll just go to a hotel down the street." He could tell the Dean was looking at him with sad eyes.

"I would invite you to my house but that would be called unprofessional and I could lose my job." He flashed a sympathetic smile as he got up, "I have to go meet with my boss. Try to go talk to someone."

Logan never talked anyone after he left, letting his gaze find his old friends. Who all seemed so happy, he wanted to cry knowing that it will be a long time till he found that again.

He walked across the patch of grass, finding a random kid who was sitting alone. He was slumped against the tree, Reese sighed coming up too him.

"What do you want Logan?" The boy said in a snarky tone, "Here to light fire to another one my projects?"

"No you looked like you needed a friend." His tone was sincere but the boy rolled his eyes.

"Not from you." Logan nodded understandably and walked away.

He took one last look at his ex friends, making eye contact with his ex bestfriend. Micheal tilted his head in curiosity, and Logan gave him a weak smile, walking to the beach.

Sometimes he came to the beach for peace, often finding himself falling asleep on the sand. No one ever came looking for him. Sometimes he screamed at the water, letting out every emotion he feels into the world. He often found himself standing there numbly looking into the pacific coast.

Today he stared, realizing that this might be his last semester at PCA. He's been here since sixth grade, it pained him to go. Afraid to spend his senior year at a new school. But at the same time no one wanted him here.

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