Chapter 1

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Long ago in the vast and infinite expanse of the Undertale Multiverse, a calamity rose at the most unexpected of times.

But this calamity was not like any other.

A multiverse-destroying entity? No.

A world-splitting event? Close.

The calamity that befell was that of an absolute mental attack across each and every universe to every person.

Only the Outcodes and those of the Omega Timeline were unaffected by this, for they were already aware of it since the beginning.

But the others were not so lucky.

They were given and overloaded with knowledge of their place in the multiverse, and how little their lives actually meant, they could be thrown away, recreated, or erased for good and no one would bat an eye.

Upon learning this truth, nearly half of the Undertale multiverse went insane, some broke free from the barriers of their own universe, escaping and causing havoc to others.

Killing each other for they believed if their lives meant nothing then if they were the only ones that remained, then it would finally mean something.

However, they didn't completely get away with this, as the protectors and destroyers alike, in a last-ditch effort, separated the multiverse away from the half that was Infected, creating a large multiversal barrier to stop the other side from leaking into theirs.

And so the multiverse was now split in half into two.

One with the Infected which was named "The Hellscape"

While the one with the Outcodes, the protectors, and destroyers, and all the sane AUs were named "The Haven"

The Haven sought to build and develop their own multiverse, for there was no true way to save the other half.

And to keep a close eye on The Hellscape, for the possibility of them breaking through their multiversal barrier was likely.

They had also suspected that someone...

Caused all of this.

The problem was...

They didn't know who... Or what...

Inside The Haven...

Inside a universe where there sat a Dust Sans on the edge of a cliff, viewing everything from above, they let out a deep sigh before standing up.

"Everything really became a mess these past few days, and I thought I was getting comfortable after I met Ink 2 years ago... Oh boy," OAR!Dust spoke, scratching the back of his skull as he then jumped off the cliff, landing on the ground without injury which created a miniature shockwave.

"Though I shouldn't lose hope, they did say they were close to tracking him-" Dust spoke but was cut off once he heard a portal open behind him, however, he quickly composed himself upon seeing its shape and form, which he was quite familiar with.

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