Chapter 2

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"What if they caused a dimensional rift?" Dust said.

"That could be true, but that doesn't really add up... Let's ask Core first, they should know what happened-" Ink spoke but stopped once both he and Dust saw a red light shine on them.

Their curiosity peaked as they looked up to see the same red-eyed portal, however, it was far bigger, almost covering the entire land they were on.

"...I have a bad feeling about this," Dust spoke as he covered himself in purple fire and lightning.

"Same here," Ink spoke as he used his Broomie, and summoned 2 Ink Gaster Blasters next to him...

Within the infinite expanse of the Omega Timeline...

Amidst the chatter that was occurring within the Omega Timeline, sat Core Frisk under a tree, visibly worried about what they had seen with Dust and Ink, they awaited their return.

However, as they sat there, a concerned Sans AU walked up to her out of concern for their well-being.

"Ahm... are you alright? Core?" The skeleton spoke walking up to Core Frisk who turned their head towards the skeleton.

"Oh! Yes, I am, I guess I was dwelling on a little too much," Core Frisk spoke, getting up with a soft smile as they looked at the skeleton.

"Ah, you're Anx right?" Core Frisk asked as their face lit up.

"Uh, yeah. That's me," Anx responded as they blinked nervously.

"There's no need to get nervous!-" Core Frisk spoke in an attempt to comfort Anx, however, was cut off once a purple portal opened in the sky, and crashing down came Ink and Dust, slightly battered up as they breathed profusely.

Nearly everyone in the Omega Timeline including Anx and Core looked at Ink and Dust who were still on the ground, tired.

"Uh, Core I assume you know what went down?-" Ink spoke in a weak voice as he turned to look at Core Frisk who walked up to him as he fell to the ground once more.

"...Yes, I did," Core Frisk responded in worry yet again...

32 minutes later after both Dust and Ink woke up.

In the distance, Dust, Ink, and Core Frisk could be seen.

The three sat down in a triangular formation, they began their discussion with Core speaking first.

"Do you perhaps have any idea what happened?" Core Frisk asked in concern.

"...No, not really, it didn't make sense in all honesty, the AU Inhabitants of The Hellscape very well should not have been able to open portals like that or rip through The Barrier itself," Dust spoke however was shushed by Ink as they had an idea.

"What if maybe, they didn't rip through The Barrier or open up their own portal or anything like that... But rather, they were sent here by a higher entity? Cause in my opinion that just seems the most plausible," Ink spoke as Dust and Core Frisk slightly nodded in agreement.

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