The Final Pursuit

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"How beautiful," Nightmare spoke as he watched the endless hordes of infected break through their universal barriers as Beelzebub simultaneously opened up millions of portals in the sky, as the infected climbed on top of each other, violently doing so to reach the portals.

As Nightmare continued watching this, he then turned around, to see Beelzebub walking away.

"This man... He's not at all ordinary, for sure," Nightmare thought.

"His power and sheer intensity..."


"Just the insanity alone,"

"Could send even the mightiest to their knees..."



Somewhere within The Hellscape...

"Ya sure this is safe?" Killer asked, while also looking at Horror aggressively and vice versa, they were still not over with the pizza competition, clearly.

"Obviously not, but he's escaped death enough times, it's about time we give him it, and he most likely has a new ally, which is why I wanna deal with things as quickly as possible, before get stronger or something," Dust spoke as he cracked his knuckles.

"Anyways, let's keep going, onto the next universe in this hellhole, I suppose," Dust spoke, expecting a response as he opened a portal in front of him.

But he was only met with silence.

"Guys?" Dust spoke, turning around as he noticed the two suddenly disappeared, and he couldn't sense their presence at all, they must have been taken or hidden from him.

"Shit!" Dust yelled as he closed the portal and immediately searched his surroundings to find the two.

"Where did you guys go..." Dust spoke as he worryingly darted his eyes across every single space he could see, but in that stress, he heard a whimper from behind, with him immediately turning around, however, what he saw was unexpected.

"Sans... Help... Please..." The melting Papyrus spoke as they desperately crawled over to Dust.

This one sight triggered everything that Dust tried to forget, he was... Horrified by this, he felt scared, he wanted to leave but... He knew he couldn't just abandon this Papyrus or his new brothers.

He couldn't bear to see Papyrus in this state, his first brother, but, as he took a deep breath, he tried to overcome that fear, and so he took off his hood and put on a smile, similar to his original self.

"Y-Yeah, I'll get you some help bro..." Dust spoke in a slightly nervous tone, beginning to sweat as he kneeled over to Papyrus.

"I'll take you somewhere safe..." Dust spoke as he reached out his hand to Papyrus, intending to carry him.

"And then maybe we can-" Dust spoke, however, was cut off as Papyrus suddenly jolted to life, no longer melting as he grabbed Dust's arm.

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