Chapter 15

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As the six fell on their back, with the portal above them finally closing, they were back at the Anti-Void, just in time for them to see the last few infected dust away as all that dust returned to The Hellscape through a small portal.

"The hell was that for?! We had the opportunity to kill him!" Error spoke as he sat up.

"...It wasn't even an opportunity," Dust spoke as he too stood up.

"No... In fact it seemed like we were at a complete disadvantage, only Zeph was the one who could stand a chance and yet..." Dust spoke, clenching his fist.

"AND YET WE FUCKING LEFT HIM WITH THAT BASTARD!" Error spoke, walking up to Dust in an aggressive tone as he stretched out his arm.

"IT'S SIMPLY WHAT HE WANTED!" Dust yelled back as the two stared at each other out of aggression.

"Calm down you two!" Dream spoke as he and Ink restrained Error, while Ink slightly snickered at this situation.

"He's right," Killer spoke as he grabbed Dust's shoulder.

"...No, I've had enough of your manchild tantrums," Dust spoke as he then turned to Error.

"The fuck did you say?!" Error spoke as he got away from Ink and Dream's grip, slightly surprising the two.

"Dust!" Horror and Killer yelled as they tried to restrain Dust who only continued walking towards Error.

"I'm guessing this is the part where we duke it out, huh?" Dust spoke, grinning out of irritation.

"No shit," Error spoke as the two simultaneously raised both of their hands, both summoning a Gaster Blaster aimed at each other.

"It's about time you get humbled anyway," Dust spoke.

"I could say the same for your egotistical ass," Error replied.

"Guys!" Dream yelled, trying to stop the two, however, was quickly grabbed by Ink, along with Killer and Horror as they jumped out of the situation, with the Gaster Blasters firing just after they got out of its path.

"Just sit and watch, we've got a rival triangle right now, and somehow their rivalship is even more intense than me and Error," Ink spoke as he smirked...

Meanwhile, in the middle of the multiverse.

"You bastard! Get back here!" Zeph spoke, injured as he chased after Beelzebub whose vessel slowly started to dust away.

"Heh, no can do, I've already done what I needed to, now I just require a new vessel, bye!" Beezlebub spoke.

"Ah, one more thing..."

"Catch me if you can," Beelzebub smirked egotistically as he summoned a red-eye-shaped portal behind him as he jumped into it, with Zeph failing to catch him in the process.

"What does he mean he's done what he needed to do?" Zeph spoke as he sigh.

"...Don't tell me," Zeph spoke as he looked the other way and used his special sight, and noticed a trail of chaos somewhere far beyond the multiverse, it appeared to be some white void...

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