Chapter 19

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Both Error and Dust were let go by Beelzebub, who now had his eyes on Zeph as the two traded blows.

"Always in the nick of time?" Both Dust and Error thought, as Error looked to his left, he saw Ink and Dream flying towards him.

"Wait... HOLY SHIT AT LEAST FUCKING TELL ME-" Error spoke as Ink suddenly grabbed his skull, then Dream's skull as the two then fused, which released an enormous white glow that outshined even the stars nearby.

"Hey, Dust! You alright?" Horror asked as he and Killer came to Dust's aid.

"I'm alright, but obviously we have bigger problems," Dust spoke as they looked over to Beelzebub, who was fighting Zeph, but soon after, Astral stepped into the fight as well.

"Can you still keep up this... domain of yours?" Killer asked in concern.

"Unfortunately, no, 2 minutes at max," Dust spoke, but just before he was about to charge into the fight, Horror grabbed his arm, preventing him from doing so as the three looked at each other.

"You can't fight all alone," Killer spoke as he smirked.

"I mean, pretty much all this time you sort of wanted to do things alone with that guy, you can ask for help y'know?"

"He's right," Horror said as he too walked up to Dust.

"And plus, if you die, we die as well, and to be honest I don't think my bro would be fond of that," Horror spoke as he scratched the back of his head as Dust continued staring, in surprise, but also appreciation.

"Jeez... You guys really are like my brothers, huh?" Dust commented.

"And so... Zeph taught us to do this!" Killer spoke as he suddenly grabbed both Horror and Dust by the collar their souls bonded and fused, creating a Half-Singularity as a large red glow could reach Astral, Beelzebub, and Zeph as they fought.

"And so comes the rejuvenation, about time you two," Zeph spoke, grinning behind his mask while Beelzebub looked on in confusion, but he also couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement while simultaneously blocking Astral's star mace.

As the red glow slowly dissipated, so did the domain as its walls slowly crumbled until everyone was sent back to the original battlefield, that being the surface.

As Beelzebub continued to fend off Zeph and Astral, he couldn't help but take a look at the new fusion that had just occurred, which resulted in him getting hit multiple times, but it meant nothing to him.


"Oh... What have I been doing these past few days? Everyone is trying their hardest to kill him, but I've done nothing to contribute," Dream thought.

"Could I really be considered a Guardian?"

"Am I still just as weak as the day my brother was corrupted?"

"...I don't want that to be my reality,"


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