Chapter 7

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Somewhere in The Hellscape's version of Underfell...

As the infected version of Fell Sans lunged towards Beelzebub with a bone, attempting to behead them, Beelzebub quickly grabbed them by the throat and then looked at his technical creation.

"I'll fucking kill you!" The infected Fell Sans spoke as they tried to break Beelzebub's arms, however to no avail.

"Let's not go in that direction," Beelzebub spoke, smirking as he used his other hand, and putting it in front of Infected Fell Sans' face.

Suddenly, a ghostly apparition of Fell Sans suddenly burst out of the body and was then absorbed into Beelzebub's hand as he then dropped Fell Sans' lifeless corpse to the ground.

"That should be enough," Beelzebub spoke as he opened a red-eye-shaped portal behind him, turning around and walking into it as it then closed shut...

Back inside Dreamtale...

"So what now? If we keep sitting here we're guaranteed to get pummeled to death," Error spoke as he crossed his arms while Horror was just sitting in a nearby corner.

"Obviously this'll be the part where things get crazy... We're going and raiding into the Hellscape directly!" Ink spoke, holding his hands on his hips in confidence.

"I asked for a plan and you give me a suicide mission, great. Just what I wanted," Error spoke in frustration.

"Not really a suicide mission if we put up a fight," Dust spoke.

"I've heard enough of your wisdom, go crawl back into your cave, thank you," Error retorted.

"Wow, losing multiple fights must make you really whiney huh?" Killer responded as he snickered.

"The hell did you say you multi-personality shit?-" Error yelled, but was held back by both Dream and Ink.

"Woah! Let's not get personal pal!" Ink spoke, smirking out of nervousness.

"Joking aside, I do think we should raid The Hellscape while we still can, there is a possibility they could be getting stronger, or making something catastrophic," Dust explained.

"...Alright, fine," Error spoke as he got up.

"So will we split up? There's 6 of us, or do we go together?" Dream asked.

"Personally, I feel like we should split up, you, me, and Error are pretty strong already, Dust, Killer, and Horror could very well hold on their own," Ink spoke.

"So it's settled then?" Horror asked as he stood up.

"Yep!" Ink spoke as he then looked at Dust.

"You know what to do," Ink spoke, smirking as Dust sighed.

"Let's go," Dust spoke, snapping his fingers as everyone fell into a purple portal, leading to The Hellscape...

"And so starts the real battle," Beelzebub spoke, smirking as he felt the presence of the six enter The Hellscape.

"Let's start off easy with them," Beelzebub spoke as he snapped his fingers.

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