Chapter 11

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Within the village of the Omega Timeline...

"Hm, where the hell is that crack-head?" Killer thought as he walked through the fairly large crowd of people.

Killer then stumbled upon The Grill, in which he saw a very familiar person through the window.

"Ah, obviously," Killer spoke as he saw Horror in The Grill along with an entire bag of food, which looked quite messy.

"Well sorry to say but your harvesting ends now," Killer spoke, yawning as they walked into The Grill...

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Omega Timeline...

Dust used both of his arms to block the attack from Zeph, before quickly setting them on fire as Zeph dashed backward out of the way.

"Good job, I actually felt the heat," Zeph spoke as he shook his own hand, putting out the fire that caught on it.

"...Just what was that speed? It didn't feel like teleportation... It felt even faster than that somehow," Dust thought.

Dust immediately charged towards Zeph, who smirked as Dust did so.

Dust stretched out his hands, and released a wave of purple flames and thunderbolts, slowly compressing it to the point it was that of a laser.

However, Zeph dodged it with ease, backflipping over the laser as if it were a jump rope.

Once Dust extinguished the laser, he began to stare at Zeph, thinking of what he could possibly do.

"...Hey, if you don't mind me asking, is it my turn now? I think I'll start trying now," Zeph spoke as he cracked his knuckles and did some jumping around to get his body moving.

"...What do you mean by- Nevermind, go ahead," Dust spoke.

"I should be expecting something impossible out of him," Dust thought.

Suddenly, Zeph stretched out his arm, and a large glob of magic started to form, Dust immediately widened his eyes upon realizing what this was.

"A magic attack? Fire? Energy orbs? No..." Dust spoke as the beam fired, with him narrowly dodging it in the process.

"It's pure, raw magical energy!" Dust thought, however as he stepped to the side, Zeph suddenly teleported towards Dust, grabbing his face before throwing him to the side.

Dust reacted, summoning a barrier behind him as he then landed on it sideways on his feet, before jumping off of it and delivering a flaming, thunderous blow towards Zeph's face.

The attack struck Zeph as they stumbled back, with their mask slightly cracked as they touched it just in case.

"Ah... Sorry about that," Dust apologized.

"Nah, it's alright, I can make a new one," Zeph spoke as he took a deep breath before getting into a stance once more.

Zeph immediately dashed towards Dust, catching the skeleton off-guard for a second due to his sheer speed, but he was able to react, Dust immediately put his arms up on his face to defend against the kick Zeph was trying to land on Dust.

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