Chapter 17

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"...Something's wrong," Dream spoke, catching the attention of the four, who were ahead of them.

"Heh, I also feel like it," Zeph spoke as he looked off in a random direction, for the others, he looked stupid, but really, he was seeing something the others could not.

"Hey, Horror, Killer," Zeph spoke as he turned to the two, former murderers.

"Hm?" Both Horror and Killer replied as if they were twins.

"Try fusing with Dust, it would help a lot," Zeph spoke as he gave a thumbs up Horror and Killer were quite confused about what Zeph meant.

"Ah, I'll explain it later..."

"What was that?" Ink spoke from afar...

Both Error and Dust dashed back, with Dust sending out individual balls of purple fire and lightning as Error sent out multiple red bones which soon caught on fire.

"Thank you for your indirect answer," Beelzebub spoke, bowing as he suddenly teleported away from the attack, reappearing behind Error as he grabbed him by the skull, slamming them into a nearby universe.

Dust looked over to Error, who safely caught himself in a net of his strings, avoiding the universe.

"Bastard, I didn't know you could keep promises," Dust smirked before immediately turning back to Beelzebub, in which he was able to narrowly dodged a kick from the demon's new body as they looked at each other for a split second.

As Beelzebub stopped in his tracks, turning to look at Dust, who then grinned as he saw that ever-so-familiar black skeleton charging towards Beelzebub from behind.

"You think I can't read facial expressions?" Beelzebub spoke, suddenly turning around and punching Error in the face, however, he immediately realized Error was no longer there, he quickly turned around to see both Dust and Error striking him directly in the face.

"And you think we can't cooperate?!" Error retorted as Beelzebub was sent flying into a narrow space between universes, with Dust extending his hand, summoning a portal to an AU behind Beelzebub where the Humans of the surface world were extinct, while the monsters remained in The Underground, unaware.

"Get in," Dust commanded Error as he summoned a portal in front of both of them, with the two jumping into it while Beelzebub was simultaneously thrown into his own.

The three entered the desert-stranded surface, devoid of all human life.

"Isn't this quite the Deja-Vu, Dust?" Beelzebub spoke, getting up as they stared down the two, who didn't give a response.

"Ah, oh well..." Beelzebub spoke, raising his hand as multiple red chains appeared and broke through the ground beneath, as they hurled towards Error and Dust, with the two reacting simultaneously as Error summoned large thin walls of string while Dust followed it up with purple barriers, defending against the chains as the two broke through their own defenses, taking the opportunity to strike Beelzebub in this instance.

"Still a hassle as always," Beelzebub spoke, smiling as he suddenly twisted his arms, which made a large cracking noise as his bones broke while he continuously regenerated it, but in turn the chains spun as well, fast enough to the point it was able to create a strong gust of wind from both sides, which momentarily stopped the two from advancing further.

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