Chapter 16

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Somewhere, in the deepest depths of the multiverse, unknown to even the protectors and destroyers...



A place both existent, yet non-existent.

A timeline scattered, yet at the same time, in one place.

The timeline, which its very existence was close to prolapsing due to nearly breaking the laws of The Worldline itself...

Within the True Lab, there could be seen a skeleton wearing a white lab coat, taking notes on an unfinished machine, they called it the "Determination Extractor".

However, as the skeleton was taking down notes, they then heard a creak behind them.

"Hm?" Gaster spoke as they turned around.

A large shiver was felt through Gaster's entire body as they then looked at the 10 feet tall red spiritual-like beast with white, rabid glowing eyes as it stared Gaster down.

Gaster had also noticed some pieces of skeleton, bones... No, it was broken and dusted pieces of Sans.

"...What are you?" Gaster spoke as he took a step back.

"Shh," The Chaos Spirit, Beelzebub spoke in a low, deep, monstrous voice as red vines suddenly grew from the ground, latching onto Gaster, holding him by the arms and legs as Beelzebub flew into his right eye, as the skeleton screamed in pure agony, not by what he was feeling physically...

But what he was seeing mentally, during that process.

He saw visions.

Visions he knew weren't real but looked real to the point he believed it was.

The monsters dying.

Asgore and many other monsters' heads were severed on the ground.

The monsters become slaves to the humans.

As those visions finally faded away, with his sight turning black, the last thing Gaster saw was that very black darkness, being overshadowed by a neon red color...

As the five stared at Zeph, they started to ponder this question, and slowly became worried, except Ink, and Error of course.

"I have a gut feeling but he most likely wouldn't choose another Sans as his vessel, which should make it somewhat easier to find him," Dust spoke as he raised a finger.

"I agree," Zeph replied as he smirked...

"Just how far have I fallen from that title of Destroyer?" Error thought.

"Am I really losing to some damn freak accident?"


"Fuck no,"

"It means jackshit if we're equal..."

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