Chapter 13

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Somewhere in the vast Multiverse...

"Not here either... Damn it we're taking too long!" Dust yelled as he kicked a nearby rock into a tree, burning a hole through it in the process.

"Dust, relax! What even is this danger anyway?" Horror asked.

"It's... Wait," Dust spoke as they looked up.

"Do you guys hear that?" Dust said, and soon enough all four of them started to hear a strange buzzing noise throughout not just the Au they were in but in the multiverse itself.

"I think I have to go do something, you guys just continue finding what you're trying to find! Good luck!" Zeph spoke as he opened up a portal, jumped into it, and gave a small goodbye salute before the portal closed.

"Hey!- What the hell is with him?" Dust asked, trying to grab Zeph but failing in the process, after that, he then turned to Killer and Horror, who were the only present allies left.

"...Let's keep checking the AUs, our last stop should be the Anti-Void," Dust spoke as he yet again opened a portal before walking into it.

"This seems really out of the blue, especially for Dust..." Horror and Killer thought.

"But who am I to talk? I've been following my instincts the entire time,"

"Though it looks like Dust is getting somewhat overprotective..."

"This seriously isn't like him at all..."

"Ah.. this sorta sucks, will I even be alive to see you again, bro?" Horror thought as he sighed.

Back at the Anti-Void...

Astral swung his star chain at TPH who swiftly dodged the attack before sending out an imitation of a Gaster Blaster, firing it at Astral who simply sliced away the attack using the heat of their star mace.

Suddenly, Astral, despite their large body, blitzed towards TPH, swinging their star mace at them, which caught TPH off-guard as they were then sent flying into a farther distance.

"Bingo!" Astral spoke as he held his hand up on his face, taking enjoyment out of this sight.

"Now... As a finisher!-" Astral spoke, holding their hands up, however, stopped once they noticed hundreds, of smaller red-eye-shaped portals appear in the distance.

"...Huh?" Astral spoke as millions of infected suddenly burst out of the portals as they flew towards Astral, with some escaping the Anti-Void itself.

"It seems this situation was worse than I anticipated..." Astral thought as they took a stance, and began swinging their star mace once again...

Outside the multiverse...

As Zeph stepped out of the portal, he was met with a very familiar individual.

"Looks like you were here all along," Zeph spoke as he stood in front of Beelzebub.

"Hm? Oh! What a surprise... Zeph...  My old pal, are you still irritated at me for what I've done in the past?" Beelzebub spoke in a casual yet mocking tone.

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