Just 2 more weeks

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almost two years without my nakima and i miss them so much but i miss one stuiped captain the most. i hate that i wasnt there for him when he needed me the most, i just hope hes okay. i cant wait to tell robin everything and hear about her journy as well. i even miss sanjis pervyness. but i just cant stop thinking about luffy. i wonder what he's up to right now. "Namiiiii" Haredas called to me for some annoying reason. "WHAT!?" "we found an island that changs its season almost every week and im going to go check it out want to come?" an Island that changes season every week? is that even possibel? i need to see this. "yeah just give me a second." i ran around my tiny room i have been in for two years grabbing things i thought i might need for the trip down to this weird island.


i got to the island and i looked like there was no town or anything just an unihabited plain island. "looks like it in a spring enviorment right now, lucky us." Haredas was talking but i wasnt listening, something seemed off about this island, but...not...bad? "Hey Haredas are we going to explore this island something feels...inportent."


"HA BEAT YOU AGAIN!" i hade made friends with all the monsters on this island but sadly that meant i cant eat them, but i was ok with sea kings. i had spent two years hear and in two weeks i would see my nakima and boy was i exited. i missed them all so much but i thought of nami the most, i dont know why but she was always on my mind i will haft to talk with chopper about it, or robin shes really smart to. there was one thing i want to keep to myself though. i have had nightmares about ace's death ever since i woke up after the war. its not that i dont trust my crew but i dont want them worriying. but beacouse of the bad dreams i tryed to stay awake as long as possibel, it was all training and catching food to re-charg. i was tired but i couldnt go back to sleep, i dont want to see it again, i cant.


i hade just beat a sea king for lunch when i heared something down the beach, i just figured it was another monster so i just went back to where i have been staying with my lunch. over the two year i still cant cook so i just decided to eat the sea king raw, but something felt off like there was something i needed to do or see. i couldnt shake the feeling so i decided to explore around to see what it was i was missing. if someone was here it was probably hamock and the others but werent they supposed to be here latter this week? i was confused but i just keept walking, whatever it was i could beat it no probelm. shishishishi. but something was telling me it wasnt something i would need to fight. i walked around the island for a littel when i heared talking, i hide just in case but...that voice...it couldnt be.


"what are we even looking for out here!?" i was tired we had been walking since the early morning and it was niw around lunch and i was getting mad.
"Just some plant samples and to study some animels, they haft to be addepted to this constant changing weather." i was stating to get really pissed at this old man hes really getting on my nerves. i suddenly feel that strange feeling i got earlier. something was hear...but it didnt feel like i was in dangure. the feeling was getting stronger every step i took. what is going on. what is here, or who is here. we kept walking for what felt like days when we reached what seemed to be the middel of the island. there was a huge tree with a bunch of stoned in front of it, no monsters in sight. i walked around the tree when i saw something in the cornnor of my eye. i turned to look at it and froze. it couldent be. that hat. LUFFY! IS HE HERE. i went pale. "nami are you alright?" i couldent say a word i was in shock. "Nami?" ... "NAMI!" i finnaly turned around my shocked face turning into a smile. "Hes here." Haread looked at me completly confused. "who?"  I started to tear up "my captian."


I heard it all and just like that i ran out of the woods. the girl i have been thinking about all this time was so close to me i missed her so much. "NAMIII!"
She quickly turned her head twords me and burst into tears. "L-LUFFY!!" she ran up to me and hugged me "Shishishishi"  It had been so long since i last saw her, hugged her, felt her with me. but it felt diffrent, i felt something in my stomach almost like...butterflys? but she still smelled like tangeriens. god i missed her. then she pulled away but i honestly wished she didnt. she whipped her tears. "i missed you you idiot!" my smile grew. same old nami. "Shishishi. i missed you to nami." I finnaly got a good look at her. she grew out her hair, its pretty. "so this is your captin, you two seemed to be close." i looked behing Nami to see an old man, i frowned and tilted my head confused. "hey Nami, whos the grandpa?" Nami turnned her attention back to me. "huh? oh thats Haredas, he let me stay with him for the last two years, quite annoying though." oh so nami spent the two years with this dude, my smile then came back. "Hey! gramps! thenks for taking care of nami for me. Shishishishi." he looked at me "DONT CALL ME GRAMPS THAT IS QUITE RUDE!" just then nami broke out laughing and i looked at her, she seemed to be really happy, im glad.

Authors Note-
Hey guys i hope you enjoyed this story so far i enjoyed writeing it,
i will try to kepp up the writeing, let me know if you like it and any

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