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"Haredas you can go back withought me im staying with luffy pick me up in a week, becouse there is a few more things i want to do befor meeting with the rest of my nakima."  As i said that luff's smile grew but then it faded into a frown. he quickly put his smile back on but it wasnt as bright. something is up with him, but what. "Alright Nami have fun with your captian here, see you in a week." and just like that he was gone. "so luffy, why arent you wearing your hat?"
Luffy looked at me a minute befor awnsering. "right here is the only safe place on the island where the monsters dont touch or even come near, so i put my hat there for safe keeping." oh that makes sence but i still cant help but think about how weird luffy is being, and he dosent seem as enerjetic as he was two years ago...luffy...whats wrong? suddenly i hear my name. "NAMI!" it was luffy, hiw long was i zoned out. "oh..uh, sorry luffy, what were you saying?"  luffy frowned a littel befor awnsering. "i was saying that i need to take you to my favorite spot on this island befor the sun goes down, but you just ignored me, whatever wanna go?"  Luffy seems actually hurt i didnt meen to make him upset, and where is all his energy. waint dont tell me this is becouse of Ace. "well do you?" i looked at luffy as if i was solveing a puzzel. "uh, yeah lets go."


Luffy was walking beside me, usally he walks in front but im not complaining i find it nice. but once again luffy is not being himself, hes really quite and not singing a dumb song or jumping around. if its really about Ace i dont want to ask and make it worse but i dont want him to suffer in silence. "Hey luff?"  I asked without even meaning to. "yeah whats up nami." i need to think about something to say i dont want to make things worse. "you seem tired are you sure you cant show me this place tommarow?" Luffy stopped walking for a second to think about what i said. oh no did i say something bad?? "im not, were going today i want to show you it today, so dont worry about me got it." i was honsetly shocked by luffys respones but he kept walking so i walked with him. "uh...yeah, okay" no matter how much luffy says to not worry about him i cant stop and think, what changed with him.


Nami is obviously worried about me, when she asked if i was tired i wanted to tell her so badly, but i cant have her worriying about me even more. i havent slept in a long time and i just hope she dosent find out. and what if she thinks less of me for it. no i cant have that happen. just thinking about loseing nami gives me this sharp pain in my chest, like my heart is aching. what is going on with me. all of a sudden i felt a hand on my shoulder and saw nami next to me. "luffy? are you ok? did i do something wrong." Oh no shes blameing herself. once again that aching pain came back and i feel so bad. " no Nami of course not, im just..." Shit what do i say now. "just?"  Shit shit shit. "uh...nevermind im fine dont worry." Crap that was probably a really bad choice of what to say. i looked over at nami now looking at the ground and i know shes worried. im sorry nami but i just cant tell you. i cant risk loesing you. i vowed to protect everyone close to me, but i wouldent be abel to protect you from myself. i looked around and saw we where here so i stopped and soon nami also did. "What is it?" i looked at her with a huge smile, which made her smile. "where here."


Luffy said we where here, but when i looked around it was nothing but forest. "uhh...luffy, i dont see anything. are you sure were here?" Luffy looked at me with the biggest and brightest smile i have seen since we met up. "trust me nami, now your going to want to hold on to me, tightly." i blushed a littel at that but i dont thin he noticed, but i do trust luffy so i did as my captian ordered, he then grabed onto the top if a giant tree. "wai-!" befor i could say anything i was holding onto luffy for dear life while we were flug up to a tree. when we got up there i triped but luffy cought me, once again causeing me to blush. "shishishishi, careful" luffy laughed but i was pissed so i hit him on the head. " luffy you dumbass i could have died!" luffy rubbed his head even though i know it didnt hurt, and he puted...Cute.. wait no not cute not cute. "but we didnt so why are you so mad, i just brought you to the best pkace on the island." i looked at him completly confued. "a tree?" Luffy smiled once again befir turning be around. i was shocked we were on a tree at the edge of a cliff overlooking thew whole island, and the sun was setting over the horizen of the sea. it was one of the most beatufl thing i have seen in a long time. "wow...luffy its beatuful." luffy grabbed my hand and healed it, this time i couldent hide my blush. "i always wanted to show you this, but i never though i would be abel to im glad i cgot the chance." my face felt like it was on fire, and i bet i looked like a tomato, but im so glad he showed me this place. i know luffy has been acting but i just squezzed his hand tighter not wanting this moment to end.

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