The Nightmare

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Seeing how happy nami was made me happy, truley happy. for the first time in two years i completly forgot about Ace and was just fully thinking about Nami. The light was hitting her in a undiscribabel way. she was...gorgeous. She seemed to have changed a littel in the two years about. she wasnt as mean anymore. i wonder, did she change how she sees me, did i do something wrong. my smile slowly faded to a frown while i watched her. after a while i just decided to fake my smile, she wouldnt know i dont think, so i just put on the not so real smile and faced back to watch the sun going down. most people dont know not even my crew but i love watching the sunset and sometimes the sunrise. thats why sometimes i stay on the head of the sunny to just watch the time pass, and for the next adventure start.


This sunset Luffy showed me was just amazing, but i just liked having luffy next to me even more. i turned to look at him and he was looking out at the sunset but...his smile, thats not the smile that i know so well, it almost looks fake. "hey luffy?" He turned to look at me but i still didnt was to pry into his trauama of the war so i just decidend not to ask. "uh..where are we going to sleep?" luffy though for a second befor awnsering. "well the tree where my hat is , is a littel to far to walk to tonight, so i know an old abondoned house we can sleep at, you dont haft to worry about the monsters there my friends so they wont hurt you." He smiled while saying it but it wasnt convinceing but i just decided to drop it. "okay, sounds good to me." we were walking to the house that luffy told me about in silence. luffy seemed to be deep in thought but i dont know about what.


Crap what am i going to do, i cant sleep, right? but if i dont sleep Nami will know something is wrong. after a while of thinking i decided to try and sleep fir the first time in a while. after a littel while of walking we heard something in the bushes. i kept walking but nami stopped. "Nami, whats wrong." Nami was looking around in every direction. "did you hear that to?" she looked a little scared. "yeah i did, but i know every monster on this island, trust me were safe." it looked like she calmed down a lot but was still a littel catious. after a few more minutes a giant ape jumped out at us, nami scremed becouse he went for her but i stopped him. "AY APE SHES A FRIEND DONT TOUCH HER!" i gave the ape one look and he got scared and ran off. "sorry about him, hes my main training partner shishishi." Nami looked like she saw a ghost. "It okay luffy...but you scared him with one look, you got scary over the last two years." she giggled but my heat ached, was she...scared of me? i tryed my best to keep up my smile but i was getting reall hard, i can only imagine how hard its going to be with the rest of the crew. "Mabey the crew is just better off without me, am i even strong enough to protect them, are they even safe with me anymore? or have they been better off without me these last two years." all of a sudden i heard sniffeling i turned my head and nami wasnt next to me anymore. i looked behind me and she was standing there crying. my eyes widened and my smile was completly gone. SHIT did i say that outloud!? "N-nami?" she walked up to me and started hitting my chest but no nearlt as hard and she usaly hits me. "dumbass, dumbass, dumbass." i couldnt stop it tears started flowing like waterfalls from my face and i just stood there. "never and i mean never say that again. do you hear me!?"  i just stood there letting her hit me for around 10 minutes intell she stopped. "lets hurry to the house i told you about." i spoke in a really soft voice and started walking away but nami grabbed my wrist, but i didnt turn around. "luffy." she spoke softly but i didnt say anything "why? why would you think we would be better off without you." i looked down at the growned not wanting to say anything.


I was still crying, my hear was breaking into pieces. luffy want awnsering me and i tightend my grip on his wrist. he was just looking down. "luffy please." i was crying even more. "i hate it." he spoke softly his voice cracking, it made my heart break even more. "hate what?" Luffy still refused to look at me. "i cant protect anyone, i first lost my 1st brother, then i lost you guys, then i lost my 2nd brother, i cant protect anyone im weak even after training what i can never protect anyone?" i was shocked "l-luffy." i didnt know what to say but i just wanted to look at his face. "luffy, please look at me...please." luffy kept looking at the ground. "how can i look at you after i made you cry?" thats when my anger look over. "LUFFY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD LOOK AT ME RIGHT NOW!" luffy instently looked at me shocked, with his eyes all puffy. he was crying like crazy and it hurt so much to look at. "luffy you are the strongest person i have met and i know for a fact are nakima thinks the same thing, and befor you say anything let me remind you of how strong you are and what you have done for us all, when you first met zoro you saved him from death row, when you met ussop you save his village from some random people, when you met sanji you told him to achevie his dream and that you belive him, with me, you saved me from the slavery of arlong,chopper once again you saved him village, robin you saver her life and gave her friendship, franky you also gave him friendship and are letting him acheive his dream, and brook you gave him a crew. luffy you saved us all and we love you dont forget that." luffy then huged me while crying and i hugged him back as tight as possibel. "T-thank you *sniffel* N-nami." i smiled into his chest. "mhhm, now lets go to that house to sleep, its getting drak."


We had finnaly made it to the house, it was broken down had no roof, and nothing inside but broken wood, it was just walls that were breaking down. "are you sure this place it safe?" luffy looked at the house then at me. "its the second safest place on the island so dont worry."  i nodded then we walked in and i realized we were still holding hands, i blushed but didnt pull away, i just sat down and was shivering. i was sitting next to luffy shivering when he pulled me into his lap and hugged me from behind, i blushed like crazy. "l-luffy?" "you were cold, i thought this would help." god hes so cute so i just snuggled into him and fell asleep in his arms and his warmth.


Nami and snuggled into me and fell asleep, she looked so peacful and cute. i knew i needed to try and get sleep and becouse it havent slept in a long time i fell asleep fast. i knew it i knew it i knew it, i was in the same nightmare...Ace in my arms. "Arigoto...luffy for loving me." and just like that he was gone, and i was crying and screaming out his name."LUFFY!" all of a sudden i was awake Nami looking at me with an extremly worried face. crap. "N-nami?" and just like that she was hugging me, i huged her back tightly while crying, but i stoped crying faster than i usaly do. thank you nami.

Aouthers note-
omg i cant the amounth of times
i almost broke into tears while writeing
this, they are just so cute and sweet.
but anyways i hope you guys liked it it
was a long one but i had fun writeing.

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