The Island

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"Im going off to explore!"  Sanj walked up to me same with Ussop, Chopper, and Sanji. "Sabo want to come?" He thought for a second. "This is the Island im meeting with my friends so i think im going to head off now but it was great seeing you lilttel bro." I pouted and walked up to hugging him. "Okay, i will see ya soon!" He laughed and nodded, "Bye everyone it was great meeting you, please take care of my littel brother for me, i know how much truble he gets it." Everone laughed and nodded. "Will do Sabo tell kola and dragon i say hi." Sabo nodded and then looked back to me. "Dont die luffy." A huge grin apeared on my face. "Never!" Then he walked off, tharts when i ran off the rest of the crew minuse Zoro and Robin, yelling after me. i ran into the town and then i saw Nami in walking around looking at stores, she looked kinda sad. i mean  did run away from her, but i dont now what else i was supposed to do im such a bad liar and thats not how i want to tell her i love her. i then saw a resturant and ran into it.


i ran out of a resturant being chased by the chef for not paying but i axidentally ran into someone and we ended up falling, with me on top of them. "UHG WHAT THE HELL!?" that voice...wait i know it i opened my eyes to see Nami, all of a sudden my face felt hot again. "Oh sorry Nami, Shishishishi." When i said her name her eyes shot opened and she looked at me, she completly froze, just then i rembered i was being chased so i grabbed Namis hand and started running, then i once again heard the chef yelling at me intell we were in some random building. "WHAT THE HELL LUFFY WHY DID YOU PULL ME HERE!?" i looked out the window to see if we lost him. "Shishishi, sorry Nami but i was being chased by a chef, and i found out they dont like pirates so i couldent risk them trying to either hurt, or capture you." Nami was no longer looking at me super pissed off, she had calmed down. to be honest she is scary when shes mad. Nami sighed. "i gusse i wont be abel to get any new clothes." i looked around and notced she didnt have any bags. "have you not bought anything? we have been on the island for like four hours now." She turned away befor talking again. "no i was lost in though and was just trying to clear my head." I nodded the looked out the window. "Oh its night, where even are we?" I turned to look at Nami and she looked mad again. "How the hell am i supposed to know? you dragged me here." We walked out and it just looked like an abondend building. "Its late i dont thik we should go back to the ship want to just get a hotel room." I turned to look at Nami and nodded, we walked to a nice hotel and we were trying to get two rooms. "Im sorry but we currently only have one room avalibel." Nami sighed and we took that room, we walked in and there was a sigle bed.


We walked in and both froze. "Damn, she could have mentioned there was only one bed." I placed my bag down and then looked over to luffy. "Im going to take a shower do whatever, just dont distroy the room." Luffy nodded and i walked into the bathroom and hoped in the shower.


I just got out of the shower and hand my oversized t-shirt on and my underwear but no pants. i walked out while drying my hiar. "Your turn lu." He looked at me shocked. "w-what did you call me?" Did i say something bad? "Lu...if you dont like it i can go back to calling you Luffy." He just looked at me and thought for a second. "NO its fine its just the only people that ever called me that are Ace, Sabo, And my grandpa when he wasnt yelling or lecuring me so rarely." Oh... "Im sorry i didnt know." i kinda felt bad now, but he smiled. "No its okay, you can call me that, i was just suprised is all." I nodded and smiled a littel then he walked into the bathroom and i heard the shower turn on. i looked around and the room was really boring but there was a tv, i turned it on and just sat there. after a littel i heard the shower turn off and the door open. "Hey lu, i figured out how this tv works, its diffrent bu-" When i looked over at luffy he only had a towel that was wrapped around his waist. he had water dripping down his body and his hair was free without his hat. "" i said kinda under my breath but he heard me. "what is something wrong?" that kinda dragged me back down to earth. "n-no sorry, but wheres your clothes?"  he looked at me and then down at his body, "oh well my clothes got wet during the shower, i dont really know how but yead so there drying." i sighed. "wait here i will get you some clothes from the shop next door, i saw it on the way here." luffy nodded and i went to get him clothes.


"Oaky im back, go put this on." I threw him a bag of clothes and he stood up from where he was sitting on the bed and walked into the bathroom. a few minutes later he walked out with some plad pants on that i gave him but no top, i blushed slightly and looked away. "Lu where the hell is your top." it was silent for a second befor he spoke. "i dont wear shirts when i sleep, its to uncomfrotbel, like how im gusseing thats why your not wearing bottoms." i sighed and looked at him. " i actually do wear pants when i sleep but my pants, like your other clothes got wet during the shower, i bought me shorts but was waiting fot you to change first."  He moved away from the bathroom slightly so i can walk into the bathroom. yes i bought shorts but there were short shorts, becouse luffy was actually right i did hate to wear pants when i sleep. i walked out in my shorts but my shirt was so big it covered them. "i thought you were putting shorts on." i just rolled my eyes. "i did." I pulled up my shirt so you coukd see my shorts, there were tight fitting and verey short.


When i saw Nami i couldnt help but blush and look away. "i see." when i turned away i got a glips of the clock. "Nami we should get to be its already past 1am." After i said that i turned to her but she was already on the bed. i layed down and she turned her back twords me. i wanted so badly to wrap my arms around her and oull her close to me. she scooted back twords me a littel and thats when i couldnt stop myself, i wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into my chest, holding her close, i put my head resint on her, and she was tense. "l-lu what a-are you doing?" i held onto her tighter. "this is more comftorble." after i said that she relaxed. "goodnight Nami" i said now half asleep "goodnight lu." i was falling asleep when she turned her around and berried her head in my chest, and then i was out like a light.

Aouthers Note-
hey guys, hope you enjoyed this one
i know i did, i loved it.   

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