sorry WHAT?

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Uhg my head, what happend last night. "Well someone had an intresting night."  Uhg why so loud. I look up to see Robin sitting at the end of my bed. "Shut up. or at least get me some asprin." Right when i said that she tossed me a pill bottel, and yep it was asprin, so i opened the bottel and took some. "Im going back to sleep." I layed back donw but Robin pulled me bacl up. "Uhgggg whatttt?"  All of a sudden he small smile turned into a smirk. "you really dont rember what happend last night do you." Im so lost, did something inportent happen?


I wke up with Sanji standing over me. "Morning Sanji, is breakfast ready." He didnt say anything he just glared at me bfor throwing a Newspaper along with photos at me, when i looked at them it was me and Nami. There were photos of me pulling her away from the guy, and me carying her when she was passed out. "why are there photos of me and Nami?" I look up to see Sanji still glareing at me. "I was going to ask the same thing, it looks to me that you were jealous of some guy then carried her home." Im confused what Jealousy? "Jealous?" Then i heard someone laugh, i looked up to see Zoro laughing and walking out. "Luffy you such and idiot, you dont even know what you did, do you?" Im just so confused what did i do wrong? "Forget it im done trying, i will let you figure out your feelings on your own." And then he walked out. wait does he know what these mysterius feelings are. and he just said... i had to figure them out on my own. Uhg damn it all. I just got ready and went to get breakfast and when i walked in everyone was there but Nami. "wheres Nami."
everything in the room went quite. "shes still in are room asleep, you two had an intresting night." im so confused why do people keep bringing up last night. "Not really no, why do people keep mentoning it." when i said that Robin and Zoro laughed while Sanji gkared at me and the others just brushed it off.  "i suggest we let her sleep, she had a long night." why do people keep saying stuff like that. once i sat down i just started eating like normal but keept looking over at Namis empty seat. "Luffy is everything okay? your not talking as much as you usaly do?" i looked over at Chopper and smiled. "Yeah just lost in thought." I hard a gasp and looked over a ussop. "you can think!" I looked at him confused for a second, then just ignored it.


"Robin stop being weird and just tell me." without saying a word Robin got up and went to walk out but once she got to the door she turned back to me. "i think you should try and figure out on your own, but i will make a deal with you if you still dont know what happend then tonight i will show you everything you need to know." and with that she walked out. what the hell happend last night. I may not know what happend last night but i do know one thing, i am hungry. i got dressed, well sorta i put on a bikini with black shorts over the bottom. i then walked into the kitchen to see Sanji looking depressed. "Hey Sanji, can you make me something to eat?" Sanjis mood instantly turned cheery. "Yes Nami-Sawnnn~" He may be annoying but i did miss him. while he made my food i sat there thinking. what happend last night. i went to the party with luffy, i had a few drinks and then i was back here. "You okay Nami-Swan?" I looked up to see Sanji handing me a plate of food. "yeah but Robin told me i needed to figure out what happend last night on my own but i cant figure it out." i saw Sanji's face turn serious. "Ah yes, last night, definetly and intresting night, i would tell you what happend but since Robin said you should figure it out i will let you, but i can tell you, you should go talk to Luffy." and then he went back to cooking. Luffy...and last night. what. the hell. happend.


I was sitting in my usal spot on the head of the sunny when i heard the kitched door open, when i looked back i saw nami. She was wearing one of her basic outfits that she somehow makes it look a hundred times better than anyone else ever could have. I was about to call her over but something was stopping me so i just turned around to look back out at the sea. Im still trying to figure out why everyone was freaking out and why wont anyone tell me what these fellings are. "Why is this so complicated." I sighed and just kept looking out at sea. "Why is what so complicated?" I turned around so fast trying to see who it was...Shit, its Nami. "Oh uh...its nothing, dont worry about it." she looked confused but then she sat next to me. "Luffy, i have a question." I looked over at Nami and nodded signeling her to continue. "Have people been freaking out on you to about last night?" I was shocked what is going on. "Yeah, they have. expeshaly Sanji, whos the one bugging you?" Nami was thinking for a minute befor she spoke again. "Robin, she said i should figure out what happend last night and then Sanji said i should talk to you." She dosent rember last night, i mean she was really drunk. "Well Sanji did throw a newspaper and some photos at me this morning from last night, there still on my bed if you want to go look at them." Im not sure if they have anything to do with what Robin s bugging Nami about but i can try to help. "Thanks Luffy i will." And befor i knew it she was gone.


I went straight to the guys cworders and looked at the beds they were bunk bed like, Ussop and chopper, franky and brook, Zoro and Sanji and Boom Luffys! i ran up to luffys bed to see what looked like photos and a newspaper skatterd all around it, i quickly picked it all up and ran to the womens cworders befor anyone could see me in the boy's room. once i got into mine and Robins room i sat down on my bed and skatterd the photos in front of me. the first one i saw just looked like a photo of the part, Luffy was sitting near the camra looking at something, i looked closer and saw Chopper talking to Ussop, Zoro and Sanji fighting and me drinking. i couldnt tell what Luffy was looking at though. Then there was a photo of me talking to some guy...weird, when i looked closer you could see luffy in the background, he looked annoyed. then the next photo was luffy walking twords me and the guy. the next photo was luffy grabbing my arm and dragging me away. what is going on im still confused. the next photo me and luffy seemed to stop walking and were talking. And the that photo....LUFFY WAS CARRYING ME!? okay okay dont jump to conclushios lets check out the newspaper. on the front page there was a photo, no no no. it was the photo of luffy carrying me with a headline that say "Pirate captian cares and take cares of his fellow nakima." "Okay but theres something i still dont understand, why did Luffy drag me away from that guy." I felt someone sit down next to me and i looked up to see Robin. "Ah, i see you figured it out, well i think i can awnser you question."

Aouthers Note-
Hey guys hope you like this one
i deffinetly enjoyed writing it.

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