Goodbye for now

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i woke up and the relization hit me, i leave today. god i hate leaveing him knowing how much hes hurting.when i tryed to get up i felt something pull me back down. i looked over to see Luffy holding onto me. i sighed befor just giveing in and cuddeling back into his chest. for the past week this is how i would wake up, Luffy clinging to me. i didnt mind it but either way it couldent be avoided, even if we went to sleep not even close to eachother i woke up with him hugging me like i was going to leave him forever. suddenly i felt Luffy stering around, he was waking up. i looked up to see luffy looking down at me. "Morning sleepyhead, mind letting go of me?" Luffy once again put on that famouse pout of his and mumbeled something, i gave him a confused look and so he siad it just a littel about a whisper. "i dont want to let go, i dont want you to leave again." i sighed once again befor responding. "i dont want to leave either but i still need to study a few more things befor we meet up with the others, you do want me to be at my strongest to fight all the people you piss off dont you?"  Luffy just kept pouting. "come on luffy let go so i can make up breakfast." Luffy finnaly let go but didnt move other than just sitting up. "luffy its only a week and then we will be together for the rest of your journy to pitate king, and we will finnaly be back with the others." I saw a small smile apear on his face making me smile. "yeah i gusse your right."  HAHA VICTORY! "great now i will cook up the rest of that sea king we got last night and then we can eat!"


"Luffy food is done." back on the ship we always had to yell for luffy to come get food beacouse he was always somewhere goofing off but here, hes always near me never wanting to leave my side. "Here, this will be last meal i make for you for a long time beacouse now we will have sanji again so enjoy." i smiled but luffy didnt, and befor i could even sit down luffy put me in his lap. "luffy let go its hard to eat like this." Luffy didnt say anything he was just quite. "luffy? everything okay?" It took him some time to respond. "uh yeah, sorry." He let me get up and sit next to me then we ate in silence. i know hes not okay but i dont want to push, theres still something hes not telling me but i dont know what.


Im such and idiot. why am i acting like this? knowing that Nami is leaveing, it feels like i just got punched in the gut over two million times. i seriusly need to talk to chopper about this, or robin, wichever there both smart. i was thinking of nami when i got a great idea, she will love it! "Nami hurry and eat im taking you somewhere so hurry uppp." Nami just rolled her eyes befor fiishing her food and standing up. "where are you taking me captian?" A huge smile grew on my face befor i said anything. "you will see, its a suprise. NOW FOLLOW ME!"  I grabbed her hand and was leading the way. i dont know why but my face felt hot a littel, it has done this a few time but only around nami...weird. all of a sudden i felt Namis grip tighten on my hand. i looked back at her to see she looked, either sad, ir uncomftorbel. "hey Nami, you okay?" she looked at me as if snapped out of a trance. "oh uh, yeah...just lost in thought i gusse." I smiled at her befor turning my attention back to in front of us. 


Finally we were right by where i was takeing Nami, so stopped and turned to look at her, only then did i realize i was still holding her hand but i didnt care. "close your eyes."  Nami looked at me really confused "trust me it will be worth it, and i will giude you so you dont bump into anything."  Namie sighed for what seemed like the millionth time but then closed her eyes. I lead her into a cave that after you go far enough into it theres a lake like subbstonce of water, and becouse of some science thing i dont understand, there was blue things on the roof of the cave that were verey bright and made ther water look blue. There were also animels and thing you could see swiming around in the water. i usaly come here to escape from everything. "ok you can open your eyes."


I opened my eyes to see one of the most beatiful sights i have ever seen. i was at a complet loss of words. "well?" I snapped out of my amazment to see luffy looking a littel worried and i realized i haddent said anything yet. "luffy...its beatiful, how did you find this place." luffy just shrugged like it was nothing. "well i just like to explore, and when i do i like to know everything i can about the place im at in that moment, and then i just stumbbled across this place, usaly i dont explore as much as i usaly do when i with you guys becouse i know some of you get scared and i want you all to be comfortabel." I had no idea thats how he felt all this time, did we all really not know are captian for who he full was? "Luffy...i had no idea." luffy smiled a littel but i wish it was more. "its okay, i didnt tell anybody, and as ling as you guys are happy." He just shrugged it off like it was nothing, always putting others first. "You cant keep doing this."  he looked at me extremly confused. "Doing what?" I sighed once again "putting others befor you, i get doing it sometimes but you cant all the time, its okay to be a littel selfish." Luffy looked at me shocked as if it was something he had never heard or even thought about befor. "now back to this extremly beatiful sight befor us, thank you for taking me here, does anyone else know about it?" After i said that luffy looked proud of himself. "nope just us." he had such a bright grin on his face i love it. "then it will be are secret place, for just you and me." His smile got even bigger as he nodded. "NAMI!? WHERE ARE YOU!?" me and luffy looked tworeds the entrence of the cave then back at eachother. "Looks like its time for me to head out." Luffys bright smile instently faded away so i went up and hugged him, he instently hugged me back. "Good bye for now captian." And with that i was gone, trying not to cry but i knew i would see him again in a week, i was just worried about him, theres still so much he has yet to tell me. i will just haft to hope for the best.

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