Close Call And Party

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We had just fineshd beating Hordy and his men there was cheering and the gasps. i was compltly confused on why everyone was freaking out all of a sudden. i looked around and thats when i heard Chopper yelling. "SOMEONE PLEAS HELP OR HES GOING TO DIE!" i ran as fast as i could. who, who was going to die. once i got over to where everone was i completly froze. "LUFFY!" I droped down next to him and grabed his hand. "CHOPPER CANT YOU SAVE HIM?" Chopper was tearing up and i was crying. "im afraid i cant, luffy has an extremly rare blood type nobody on are crew has it and theres none on are ship. and becouse of the law fishman cant give luffy blood." I started crying even more. "SOMEONE PLEASE LUFFY SAVED YOU JUST PLEASE SAVE HIM!" nobody would do anything, i just sat there holding his hand. "Please luffy, you cant die on us...please." At this point i was crying my eyes out but then jimbi sat down on the other side of luffy. "take my blood." there was a littel bit of arguing inteel i spoke up. "CHOPPER HE SAID IT WAS OKAY JUST SAVE ARE CAPTIAN." and with that Chopper and Jimbi saved Luffy and slowly luffy opend his eyes. "LUFFY!" i ran up to him tears in my eyes. "N-nami? why are you crying?" i whiped my tears befor awnsering. "you idiot you almost died, if jimbi didnt give you blood you would have been...d-dead." i started crying once again but luffy whiped my tears. "Nami please dont cry, im okay now and thats what matters." I nodden and then zoro helped chopper take Luffy to his office.


After zoro and chopper took me to Choppers office i passed out, when i woke up Nami was sitting in a chair next to the my bed, with her head resting in her arms on the edge of the bed asleep. a small smile was on my face but it quickly got whiped away when i rembered her crying over me after defeating Hordy. how could i put her through that pain. whenever i fight i never think about how it would affect the people closest to me. How could i be so stuiped. i sat up and whiped Namis hair out of her face. "what is this feeling." Just then Nami woke up. after her eyes adjusted to the light she looked up at me, and befor i could say anything she hugged me. after a minute of shock i hugged her back. after a few minutes Nami pulled out of the hug and hit me. "Owww Nami~ what was that for?"  And then the last thing i wanted to happen happend, Nami started crying again, i was in utter shock. "Never scare me like that again you idiot. i even saw zoro tearing up, ypu freken scared us!" when she said that it felt like i got punched in the stomach to manny times to count. "i wont just please, stop crying i never want to see you cry." I whiped her tears and then hugged her again. Then all of a sudden there was a knock at eh door, we both pulled away from the hug to see Robin walk in with a smirk and Namis face then turnd red, but i just shook it off. "What do you want Robin?" Jeez Nami sounded really annoyed, but as far as i know Robin didnt even do anything. "Well i wanted to tell you guys that King Neptune is throwing a party to thank us for saveing the island." Uhg i hate when people thank us were not heros. "No, im no hero im not going." Robin gigled befor talking again. "its also a feast." Right as she said that my stomach growled and once again Robin gigled. "Okay i have decided were going to a party!" Robingigled then nodded and walked out while Nami just rolled her eyes. "well i need to go get ready for a party see ya luffy." and then she walked out. im just exited for the food.


I went straight to mine and Robins room to change into something for the party. i looked through my cloths and decided to wear a wight crop tob and some ripped jeans with, some black sneakers. i decided not to get super dressed up for some party that i dont really wont to go to. im probably just going to drink with Zoro eat a littel bit of food then pass out as soon as i get back here. when i walked out of my room i was met with luffy who was waering a red tank-top and blue jeans, he had is hat resting on his back so his black messy hair could be seen, god he looked good. "Nami, your staring"  I turned my head to see Robin. i was blushing a littel but i didnt bother to hid it. "i couldnt help it, i dont know what came over me."  Robin did her famous gigle and then gave me a soft smile. "well its time to go and the guys are wainting for us so let head over to them, and why dont you stick with luffy tonight." and with that she walked off, i just rolled my eyes and walked up to Luffy, and Chopper. "Hey guys, hey Chopper how come your sticking by luffy and not Ussop or Robin?" Chopper looked concerned and then looked from me to Luffy and then back to me. "well hes still injured so i want to keep and eye on him." i sighed "Chopper you enjoy the party i will make sure Luffy dosent go crazy." Chopper smiled nodded and walked off. when i looked back at luffy he was already looking at me and his face was red, was he...blushing? no it cant be he is still hurt so its probably just that.


Wow, how can Nami look that good. its just a simple outoutfit yet she looks amazing. "Luffy! EARTH TO LUFFY" All of a sudden i was being snapped back into reality by Nami. "Huh...o-oh sorry." She rolled her eyes then pointed to the others. "were leaving stop day dreaming about food and lets go, also im sticking with you tonight so you dont do anything dumb to get even more injured." wait wasnt chopper doing that, what happend to him, how long was i zoned out. "uh yeah ok."  and with that we headed to the party, when we got there i went straight to eat. Nami was drinking like crazy and i was a littel concerned. after a while i was done eating and people were just talking to me saying how i was a hero. "IM NOT A HERO STOP SAYING I AM."  Then when i was walking off i saw Nami Talking to some random guy, i dont know why but that made me so pissed so i went up to them and grabed Nami. "Have a nice night." and with that i walked away. "HeY, WhAT gIvES hE wAs NoICe." oh. my. go. she is so drunk. "Nami your crazy drunk im taking you back to the sunny." right as i said that Nami passed out so i picked her up and walked her back. i dont know why but seeing Nami with that guy really pissed me off.

Aouthers Note-
Hey guys i hope you enjoyed this one,
i think this is one of my personal fav chapters.
worried Nami and jealouse Luffy is just
so cute. if you have any comments or
thought i would love to hear.

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