Thanks Sabo

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"So i should just talk to her?" Sabo smiled and nodded. "the party is starting right? i will go talk to your Nakima about your advaenturs and other stuff while you talk to Nami."  I nodded and ran down with Sabo to where the others were and withought even saying something i grabbed Namis wrist and pulled her to her work room. "LUFFY WHAT THE HELL!?" i now had a very serious face and had my hat covering my eyes. "Why?" i asked silently. there was no response so i asked again this time yelling. "WHY DAMN IT!?" i now had tears starting to roll down my face...damn. "L-luffy" she reached her hand out to me but i swatted it away, Nami looked shocked. "Nami you dont realize how much that you actually hurt me, do you?" Silence filled the room, after that i just stood there for a minute.


Hurting luffy was the last thing i wanted to do. he was crying...becouse of me. my heart shattered into a million peaces. i tryed to say something, anything but nothing came out. i startted crying, i went to reach my hand out to him but rembeard he swatted it away. "Nami, i care for you...a lot...and you hurt me." Just when i thought i couldnt feel any worse i got proven wrong. "Luffy...i-i" More tears rolled down my face. "No im going to tell you something, and i just want you to listen."  i couldent get any word out so i just nodded. "After Ace died i went into a small coma, when i woke i went into a rage i was destroying anything and everything around me." ....Luffy "i just wanted it to be a dream an awful nightmare never to come true, but i knew, i knew it wasnt." why didnt you let us come find you. "in that moment i had people chasing me saying if i kept it up i would re-open my wounds and die." please....just say you listened to them and stopped. "but..." "i didnt that moment i wanted to i ignored them all...they claimed it to be attepted su*ced." I completly froze, then tears started rolling down my face, more than ever have befor. "but jimbi was there, he reminded me of you guys...of you. the first person to come to my mind, the first person that conviced me to live was you Nami." i fell onto my knees crying. "when you meet up with me the week befor we meet with the others you helped me so much, i was still thinking i didnt deserve to live, i was the one who sould be dead on that battel feiled...but you convinced me other wise." And after all that..."i still hurt the worst friend ever." i was still c rying and looking down when luffy sat infront of me and lifted my head up making me look at him. "No dont get it...your the best friend i have...yes you hurt me but you also saved me." and right then i jumped into his arms hugging hima dn making him fall over, we were both crying when Sabo came in...looking either pissed or extremly sad.


Sabo came in looking upset, i got up and faced him. "Sabo? is everything okay." All of a sudden he walked up to me and hit me but not hard...."luffy...YOU DUMBASS" i was shocked...what was that for? "I heard it all you fucking idiot." my eyes widened in shock as i looked at him...fuck. "H-how?" Tears started rolling down my face again. "i heard yelling and came to see what was going on...but i heard it all...luffy you are my littel brother, we already lost are big can you be to think that just becouse Ace died you should to...THAT'S NOT WHAT HE WOULD WANT!"  Sabo has never yelled at me...this is...bad..."I-im s-sorry" He hugged me and we just stayed like that intell we heard a soft voice. "I will let you guys have you time." Nami said and she started walking away. "Aww luffy your girlfriend is so thoughtfull." Nami paused for a second, and i could see her ears bright red, and then she walked out. "Sabo she's not my girlfriend." he started laughing and i punched him in the arm. "i've never seen you blush befor its so funny." and then he started laughing. bastered.


"PARTYYYYY!!!" i ran out on the dec and nobody had started the party yet. "Hey why is nobody partying?" I looked around and everyone looked sad. "what with the low mood." Chopper then started crying and ran up to hug me. "Why didnt you tell us?" I was super confused and looked at Nami for awnsers. "Luffy they heard us along with Sabo." I froze...shit. "Well, awnser the damn question, why didnt you tell us." Zoro asked and he seemed mad. he was my best friend so i gusse i understoon. "look, i just didnt want you guys to worry." Yeah i dont think that was the right thing to say becouse Sabo, Zoro, and Sanji looked pissed. "thats bull shit and you know it." this time Sanji and Zoro said it. "Luffy, let me gusse, becouse your are Captian you wanted to seem strong for us, so that way we wouldent think of you any less, right?" Robin asked me, i couldent figure out if she was sad or pissed. "look guys-" befor i could say anymore Zoro repated himself. "awnser. the. danm. question." this time he sounded even more pissed off. "fine. Robin is right, but im better now, Nami helped me okay and so did Sabo, can we finnaly start the party?" everyone looked at eachother and decided we could start the party. "YES! PARTY!! FINALLY!"

Aouthers Note-
Hey guys i hoped you like this one
i went back to a more emotinal vibe for
this chapter, but next chapter will be more
fun. this book might be ending soo so if you
have any suggustions for any other books
i will write anything so let me know and i
might just write it. thanks for reading.

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