The Mistake?

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Everyone was partying for about an hour now, i was talking for that hour and Zoro finnaly passed out so i decided to have a few drinks. Luffy and Sabo were stuffing there faces by the food and Drinks so i walked over so i could grab some. but as soon as i got over there Chopper yelled to me. "Dnt drink to much beacouse last time you were passed out for almost a whole day."  I rolled my eyes and took a drink. "hey Nami?" I turned my head over to see who was taking to me...oh luffy. "Yes Luffy?" His eyes wondered to my drink then back to me. Maby you should listen to Chopper, last time you got drunk you had to spend all day figureing out what happend the night befor." He had a point but i kinda wanted to forget about everything. "Luffy, i will be fine. plus its a party let me drink." Luffy sighed and took another bite of food. "looks like your girlfriend is fisty." Luffy chocked on his food while i chocked on my drink. "She/Im not His/My Girlfriend!" me and luffy shoughted at the same time. My Face heated up and when i looked closer luffys face had a small tint of pink while he stuffed his face. "but you both wish that it was true." My face heated up more. "i need a LOT more to drink." I started to chug down drink when Chopper came over and tapped on my let and i knelt down. "Yes Chopper?" He looked nervouse and i felt bad for ignoreing him erlier. "i dont think you should be chugging down your alcohol like that Nami." i sighed and patted his head. "Chopper you worry to much, i will be fine. your a great doctor but you dont need to worry 24/7." After i said that Chopper blushed and did his littel dance. "hey, that wont flatter me you dumbass." And then he walked away and i gigled. "And now...back to drinking."


Man...Namis gigle is so cute. "Luffy....LUFFY!" i snapped my head to look at the person calling my name...oh Sabo. "oh...uh..yes Sabo." Sabo laughed hard befor awnsering. "you zooned out, and i think i know what you were thinking about." I rolled my eyes and decided to join the party but when i stood up Sabo put his hand on my shoulder. "what now Sabo." Sabo stood up with his hand still resting on my shoulder. "well, i think your girlfriend over there had a few to many drinks and is about to pass out." then he pointed over to Nami and i nodded and walked up to her. "Uh...Na-" Befor i could finish what i was saying Nami fell into me and i cought her. "Whoa, looks like this is somewhat of a re-cap from the last party we had." After i said that i picked Nami up Bridal style i think that what everyone calls it, and took her to her room. when i walked in it was all clean, way better than the boys room. i carfully placed her on her bed when i heard something. "...Luffy" It sounded almost like a whisper. I turned around but i could swear she was asleep. "Luffy...I" Still sounds like a whisper so i bent down next to her bed. "Yes Nami, what is it." I also tryed to whisper, she was definetly asleep, but still. "I love you." My eyes widened, okay she can hear me but she didnt mean she loves me...right. "Love who?" I didnt want to ask but i was curious. "you luffy, you dumass." wow even dream Nami it mean....waint....WHAT!? i stood up and rushed out of her room, my face felt like it was on fire, after i left her room i walked to the crow nest not wanting anyone to question me...but of course my brother knows me to well and followed. "Luffy what the hell happend whi do you look like a tomato?" I sat down and put my face in my hands. "luffy what happend?" Sabo now sounded concerned, i sighed and looked up at him. "okay im going to tell you but dont interupt me." Sabo noddent and i took a deep breath befor talking. "okso after i placed Nami on her bed she was whispering in her sleep and i figured out she could hear me and it kind of to her was like dream me i gusse was talking to her not actual me."  Sabo nodded and then i continued. "She said i love you but i didnt know to who so i asked and she said i love you luffy." Sabo froze for a second befor speaking. "thats great now you know she loves you back." he was smileing and i just sighed. "yeah but what if she didnt mean it the way i thought, what if it was just a...mistake?" i heard Sabo sigh and then sit in front of me, so i looked up to see him. "Luffy, i havent known you friends long but i do know what love looks like, and from what i can tell that girl loves you." I was thinking about it, im not sure though no, she loves me as a friend and that it, that all i will ever be....just a...friend. "Sabo i get your trying to help, but i think Nami just sees me and loves me only as a friend i will be okay dont worry. i need to think about things so im going to bed, good night Sabo." once i said good night i went to bed...just a friend...just a friend, that was all that would play in my head on loop.

Aouthors note-
hey guys i hope you enjoyed this
one, and once again this story might
end soo so if you have any suggestions
for a book i should write please let me
know, i will write anything so go ahead
and comment your ideas. thanks guys.

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