I...Love you

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I didnt sleep at all last night i was just thinking of how to confess to Nami, than i got the perfect idea but i needed to go to the shops to get something and plan out what i was going to say. i stated heading out when Robin stopped me right in my tracks. "where are you going luffy?" i just wanted to head out as fast as possible im so sick of holding this in. "To the shops, i will be back soon i just need to get something, oh and make sure Nami dosent leave the ship." Robin gave a confused look for a second but then nodded and i walked into town. Now...where is the shop im looking for, ah there it is.


I woke up and looked around, i was in my room. thats when i rembered what happend last night. dang it, Luffy carried me to back to the ship...AGAIN. i got dressed in one of my black bikini tops and black jean shorts over. as soon as i walked on deck i saw nobody around so i went to the kitchen to see everyone but Luffy. i sat down in my usal seat and turned to Robin. "hey Robin where it Luffy??" she looked at me with her usal smile. "He went out shopping befor breakfast, but down worry hes fine dont bother going after him." the hell why would she tell me not to go after him.


After breakfast i was about to leave the ship when Robin apeared infront of me. "now Nami what did i tell you? Luffy is fine there is no need to go after him just sit at relax or work on some maps or something." i decided not to say anything beacouse if i did it would be me snapping at her, so i just rolled my eyes and went to my map room. i wasent even working on my maps i was just paceing around my room thinking out loud. "why the hell would luffy not eat breakfast, its Luffy, is he okay? is something wrong? did i do something? and why wont Robin let me go after him? what the fuck is going on??" i finnaly plped down in my seat and just sat there looking up at the ceiling. one main though kept repeatig itself in my head. did i do something and now Luffy is avoiding me? no Luffy wouldnt. but is something wrong? is he thinking about his brothers death again? UHG i just want to go see him and make sure everything is okay. fuck it im going. i shot out of my seat but as soon as i opend the door Robin was standing there, i groand and slammed the door shut.


Okay i got what i need now to find a place to do it. i would ask the loacal of somewhere i could but i want to find it myself cuz whats the fun in just asking? so i went looking for the perfect spot that was also private. "god its takeing forever to find a spot, i just want everything to be perfect for her."


I found it he perfect spot, its getting dark so i will set up and then go get Nami.


Luffy has been gone all day, i know Robin told me over and over that hes fine but hes never gone this long alone. okay nami pull youself together, hes fine hes always fine...well that a lie. pull yourself togeth women. what could he be doing? the suns going to go down soon. i walked out to the deck and looked out into the island. why couldent i go find him? hes most likely just stuffing his face. i gigled to myself thinking about it. god i love the stuiped caption of mine. hes helped me with so much. theres was arlong...and when i was sick...and whenever i felt down in the dumps. and he always helps the crew. he always brings a smile to whoever hes around, unless its the mariens. once again i laughed to myself. luffy has saved so many people and he does it just becouse. even though he hates to be called a hero lots of people with always think of him as one. just then i saw luffy walking out of the forest. "LUFFY!" he looked at me and smiled. "hey nami, theres something i want to show you can you come with me?"


This was it, im going to tell her, i just hope it goes okay. "Sure!" Nami smiled and came down from the ship. god i love her smile, i never want to see it fade. she is my everything i love her so god damn much. "so where are we going?" Nami's voice snapped me out of my trnace. "its a suprise, dont worry you will like it."  Well i hope so anyways. i was leading her through the forest thinking about everything we have been through together. theres been so much and every time i think about it...it makes me so happy. she was there with me for so much, and she helped me out with so much. i will never forget what shes done for me. befor i even knew it we were at the spot i set up.  "Were here."


I was shocked. it was a private beach, and there was a blanket with food, and...tangerines a lot of them. "luffy what is..." i froze when i saw luffy with a ring. "Now befor you say anything its not a marrige proposal...its a promise ring."  Luffy looked nervous, i could even see his hand shakeing. i was confused, but happy, and my heart was raceing like crazy. "Nami, you have been with me through so much. we have helped eachother and sometimes hurt eachother. but i never want to hurt you or see you hurt again. i love you so much nami, and i will protect you forever so...will you be my girlfriend?"


Nami had started crying...oh no did i say something wrong? but then she hugged me, knocking me to the ground. "yes you idiot, i will be your girlfriend. and...i love you to luffy."


This was the best moment of my entire life, and forever will me


Okay guys, i am so so sorry this took so long
but this is the end, i hope you like it, and i love you all
im happy with how this story ended and give me recomedations for new books,
i am in HS though and i do a lot of activiteys so they will take a while
to write. but this is the end so see you all in the next one. Bye

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