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Grant found himself sitting on a large crate of a sort. Ares standing in front of him.

"So, the whole transforming thing. How does that even work for you?" Grant asked awkwardly.

"What do you mean exactly?" Ares questioned in confusion.

"Well... how do you even... do it? Is it like..flexing a muscle to you?" He questioned in a moment of genuine curiosity.

Ares seemed to be taken by a slight surprisr at his tone, uncrossing her arms as she thought.

"I guess it is in a way. Cybertronians have an organ called a T-Cog. It's what allows us to complete our transformation, " Ares explained, causing Grant to perk up slightly.

"Wait, organ? like Biological?" He asked curiously.

"Eh, kinda. It's mechanical, " Ares said, placing a hand on her hip.

"You were..."born" with it, right?" Grant questioned in curiosity.

"Well...in a sense. Cybertronians technically have three ways of reproducing"

"Yeah? Like what?" Grant asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well... I dont know specifics..." Ares said in thought.

"We can be built, of course. Most of the older gen bots were"

"Then there's budding. Which is how I was made...its kinda like asexual reproduction but with two individuals"

"Then there's -"

Grant jumped as a pair of large metal hands covered his ears.

He looked around in slight alarm, finding it was Arcee covering his ears from behind him.

She seemed to be scolding Ares over something, earning a mild look of confusion from Grant.

He placed his hands on Arcee's. Pausing for a moment as he lifted them off his ears.

"Why are your hands warm?" He asked in a surprised tone, catching her attention.

Arcee's stern expression softened as Grant held her hands in curiosity, looking them over.

"Energon, it flows through our bodies kind of like your blood does," Arcee explained, gently flipping her hand in Grant's grip.

"Wait. Why were you covering my ears? " Grant asked, his memory getting back on track, a slight tone of frustration in his voice.

Arcee's face grew stern for a moment again, gently pulling her arms back.

"You are far too young to be hearing about that," Arcee said in a soft tone, disapproving tone almost motherly in a way.

Grant's expression dropped, very obviously unamused.

"I'd ask how old you think I am, but -"

"Sixteen years, two hundred and sixty seven days!" Arcee said simply, a slight smile crossing her face.

Grant sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before looking up to Arcee.

"You lot dont know much about human culture, do you?" Grant asked, looking from Arcee to Ares.

"Nooo, I'm just a cultural specialist with combat expertise," Ares said in annoyance, sarcasm dripping from her words.

Grant let out a low growl, turning once again as Arcee tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yes?" He asked in frustration.

"You want to learn about transforming, I can teach you," Arcee offered, placing her hands on her hips.

"Isn't Ares supposed to be my "guardian" grant asked with an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, but you like motorbikes more than cars, right?" Arcee with a confident tone, causing Grant to perk up slightly.

Before he could question her, Arcee spun slightly, jumping into a backflip as she transformed into her alt-mode. A white and red motor bike.

"Woah, no, no! I'm looking after the fleshling, " Ares said in offense, stepping toward Arcee and Grant.

"Do. Not. Call me that again, " Grant said harshly, causing Ares' optics to widen slightly.

"Either way, I outrank you, Ares." Arcee said bluntly, her headlights flashing on toward Grant.

"So, Kiddo, wanna go for a ride?"

*To Be Continued*

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